mef @mef

adding on to this, why do so many high schoolers vape?? I walk into a bathroom and I have a 1 in 3 chance to just find a group of them turning the air white. Like,

  1. why would you waste your money on it

  2. it’s literally illegal for minors to be doing it so you’re risking being arrested

  3. it’s pretty much just addictive cancer air, it doesn’t even do anything

Don’t do drugs they’re bad and cringe.

oren @oren

Yea, alcohol has very little benefit (other than a small amount of fun) compared to the risks (making bad decisions, driving, and it negatively affects your actual health)

allyz @allyz

if i had a dollar for every time i said no to people in my dorms offering me alcohol i think i’d be rich (don’t take up drinking even if it’s legal, kids)

Apr 2, 2023, 9:31 PM
Apr 2, 2023, 9:49 PM
Apr 2, 2023, 10:11 PM


bro the main bathroom in my school is basically unusable because there’s seniors vaping in there all the time 💀

Because the human brain is very good at fooling itself into entering an endless cycle.

People do so much literally just for personal pleasure. Drugs, porn, alcohol. Its like, grow up. Think about someone other than yourself.