gilbert189 @gilbert189

The State of wasteof

<ultsppi> current state of waste money: start flame wars with this one simple trick!
<JackyBC> wait what??!!
<JackyBC> waste of money went that downhill?
<BridgerFish> Orb_Fish: :|
<Gilbert189_> I think I started it somewhat
<ultsppi> no
<Gilbert189_> *with me
<Gilbert189_> wait no I can't English
<Gilbert189_> oops
<PkmnQ> no, you could have not made that post and the flame wars would probably still be this bad
* DissonanceBridge has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
<ultsppi> "oern" is a user who said a thing once.
<Gilbert189_> now I need to figure out how to modify sprites
<PkmnQ> are you talking about when i convinced oren to change his username to oern or are you talking about the new oern?
<ultsppi> now "lyil" often makes fun of them every time somebody says something related to "lgbtq", starting an instant flame war
<Gilbert189_> oh yeah that
<Gilbert189_> I think that's the source
<BridgerFish> Orb_Fish: why can't people just report report report & move on?
<PkmnQ> oh i see
<Gilbert189_> nobody cared ;|
<Gilbert189_> :|
<BridgerFish> Orb_Fish: :(
<ultsppi> nobody reports posts
* DissonanceBridge (~[email protected]) has joined
<ultsppi> consider the amount of terrible posts in "gwdfi scratch studio", which is much more active and worse
<Gilbert189_> ?
<ultsppi> plenty of inappropirate comments are made there. they are automatically removed when more than 3 person report right?
<ultsppi> BUT THEY STAY AROUND!!!! despite EXTREME activity!!
<ultsppi> in short, nobody presses the report button on any websites
<ultsppi> that is my arguent
<PkmnQ> it's gotten to the point where "someone" can spam a bunch of random comments on a random post to the extent that it becomes the most commented on post
<JackyBC> can i get links to the posts i want to report them
<BridgerFish> Orb_Fish: truth be told, I don't report anything either
<JackyBC> also why wasteof money is now toxic
<JackyBC> h
<PkmnQ> and it's forgotten about after one day after the cool new controversy
<ultsppi> it alwaus was
<JackyBC> i am VERY glad that i am not a part of the flame war
<ultsppi> remember when you said that one thing about the rainbow banner?
<ultsppi> that was an average-size 'war' at the time
<ultsppi> i think
<JackyBC> i then changed my opinion because it looked like the RGB mouses which is cool i think
<PkmnQ> i remember when the biggest controversy was a repost chain about potatoes
<ultsppi> here is my opinion on the matter:
Apr 13, 2023, 12:35 PM
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