oren @oren

America needs a new political party. Both of the current ones are bad. Republicans are way too reactionary, Democrats are pro-censorship, and both are getting more extreme. Neither appropriately represents an average person.

May 8, 2023, 3:32 PM
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Exactly! But, the congresspeople can also be removed by the members of their parties at any time. Check the Wikipedia page for the British Parliamentary system for more information. many other countries (Canada, Great Britain, Italy, Japan, Latvia, the Netherlands, and New Zealand, South Africa) use almost identical systems.

all of that would decrease the amount of say that the people have, and increase bureaucracy. We don’t want either of those. I want a government that has the smartest people in the world who work together to make decisions for the good of the people, not for themselves, then they implement those decisions ASAP.

In the time of the founding fathers, there was more concern about the general political-awareness that ordinary people had (the reason for the electoral college). Today, however, it is inexcusable for politicians to be trusted to a level where "they know best" or "know better than the people do" about issues. Politicians in he US can do anything they like, mostly because of this reason. There is no way to hold them accountable and you just have to "trust them". They can also change their minds about any issue (or lie to voters, cough George Santos cough) and get away with it

@joebiden said it pretty well:

senator joe manchin is a great example of this, look up his pictures with pro-abortion and anti-abortion groups lol, it’s whoever donates

In the UK, politicians cannot be bought by corporations as easily, and their policies have to cater to what the ordinary people actually want. When Liz Truss promised lower taxes, lower inflation, etc. and failed to deliver, she was able to be removed and her party replaced her with someone else. She didn't have another 4 years to cause mayhem/destory the country, which is a good thing lol.

Like I said, we need a new political party with smart, trustworthy people. They should all sign like a contract which puts restrictions on them, like being transparent and not taking donations. If they break the rules, they’re legally required to resign. That’s my personal idea.

Well, in most countries, it’s not up to politicians to “agree” to not take bribes or to not lie, as most would not agree. It needs to be a rule/framework pushed for by the people who should be demanding these types of reforms. Think about it: the president of the United States can campaign and promise something to voters, only to get into office, say “I lied” and do the exact opposite. How is that democratic??

If they signed that contract, it could also include a requirement to publish what you’re going to do if elected, and then do that if elected. If you don’t do it, you’d be forced to resign

It should be every political party (not just one new one). There should be many more than 10, ideally considering that they represent 400 million people with diverse ideas and perspectives. The parties would have to negotiate/compromise more, which would be good 👍

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