dertermenter @dertermenter

Elon Musk says terms like “cisgender”and “cis” are now considered “slurs” on Twitter and will not be tolerated.


EDIT: Elon never said that you can't say the word. He said that repeated harassment would be banned. The only thing he said about the word cis is that it was considered a slur. You can still say many slurs on Twitter (such as the N word)

Jun 21, 2023, 5:04 PM
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by referring to them as a female.

but she says that also includes trans females?!

yes, but to distuinguish “cis females” should be “females” to her and trans females should be “trans females”

if you say [this and this and that] applies to females when it only applies to cis females, isn’t that confusing? anyway, nobody is saying you call women cis females all the time, only when it’s relevant to create distinction. 🤷‍♂️

but to create distinction she thinks it should be female and then trans females should be “transgender females” I don’t understand why this isn’t a hard concept to get

just because most Americans are white doesn’t mean Black Americans should be called Black Americans all the time. Just say American for everybody unless there’s a distinction (then say Black or White Americans) it’s no more complex than that. Politicians want people to be afraid of trans people so they’re making this so much bigger than it really is. 😞

Um what? This is nothing about bloody politics. It’s about biological women, like my mum, wanting to be called a female and not be tagged on a label.

but what if trans women want to be called female and not be tagged on a label? what makes your mom more deserving of being called female?

“what makes your mom more deserving of being called female?” since she’s a biological female????

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