dertermenter @dertermenter

Elon Musk says terms like “cisgender”and “cis” are now considered “slurs” on Twitter and will not be tolerated.


EDIT: Elon never said that you can't say the word. He said that repeated harassment would be banned. The only thing he said about the word cis is that it was considered a slur. You can still say many slurs on Twitter (such as the N word)

Jun 21, 2023, 5:04 PM


Didn’t Elon want it to be a “free speech site”? And yet he’s treating a perfectly fine medical/biological term like a slur? Dumb as hell

his free speech thoughts seem flawed, this account: is staying up despite repeated offensive, brainless posts but repeated harrasment calling someone cisgender is banned?

yeah, and remember when he tried to ban mentions to other social media sites lol

This reply section is the kind of discussion I always wanted to see.

bruh not exactly

I had an “except for @imadeanaccount” there but I removed it

no these comments fucking suck actually

I don’t want to read through 93 comments right now, but chances are the words I were looking for were

This discussion is closer to what I wanted to see than it was before, I think wasteof is taking another step in the right direction

okay that's a better take ^^

how would they be slurs?-

that's what i’ve been wondering

As a biological female, I don’t see anything wrong with the term cis. It’s just a term to separate cis and trans people when needed, it’s not that big of a deal and I don’t get why people are offended by it.

That is fine, but a lot of biological females want to be referred to as a female

just “female” tells me nothing about whether they are trans or not

Keep in mind that I’m not trying to argue here, if someone is offended by the term cis then I don’t care, you do you. But I personally have no problem with it.

69th comment heheh

dang it, nvm

So, there is a argument to be had on the whole “who should get the title blah blah blah” but first of all, I don’t think the word “cis” is offensive, second, up even if it is offensive to a tiny part of the population, bannning it????? I mean, the words, straight people are dumb, are even more offensive, but you won’t get banned for saying that

exactly. couldn’t “trans” be a slur by Elon’s logic. if trans people don’t want to be labeled as trans, they should have the same right not to be as cis people. It’s a factual label that conservative billionaires like Elon are trying to scare/trick people into thinking is offensive.

Ok saying last bit

that is really offensive.

no it isn't

You seriously need to learn that not everyone will have the same opinion as you. Blaming opinions on billionaires is immature, wrong and insulting to those with those opinions

I didn’t say that all people with an opinion have been influenced by politicians/scaremongers, but many have. As with many other political causes, politicians do try to demonize minorities, not that all people with this opinion are dumb, but I do disagree with the opinion.

Your comment didnt come off that way

You can disagree with it but also accept that people are offended by it

i don’t have to agree that it’s offensive, though if i say that i’m offended by something, other people don’t have to accept it if they feel it’s not reasonable 🤷‍♂️

you completely misinterpreted my comment

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I meant you can acknowledge people are offended by the term, but you dont have to be offended yourself. Anyway, im tired of this argument which is going in circles and i need to go to bed. Please dont respond further

He's an idiot, but I don't mind.

Elon needs to step out of his bubble and get a grip on reality. Cis is not a slur.

elon is so dumb

posting this here for context on the convos below

Ok so I just talked to her to confirm her opinion on this [trans females falling under females]. She said “I am fine with transgender females being under the term female, however if an extra label needs to be added it should be for them, not me”

why are trans women less deserving of the term women? no one is saying trans women are more women than cis women, but that’s like making white Americans “more American” than Black Americans? Also, this doesn’t just apply to women, yet people seem to be so hyperfocused on it. Trans and cis men exist too and I (cis male) am perfectly okay with trans men being called men too!

what are you confused about?

I don’t understand how your post is relevant at all to my post.

you said your mom didn’t want to be classified under the “cis” label and instead wanted trans people to be classified as “trans”. but this wouldn’t work (see my other reply)… Also, there is less debate about trans vs cis men than trans vs cis women, because many voices on the right are concerned with scaring women into thinking their being “replaced”.

Ok, so basically, the group term “female” should include females and trans females. However, if there needs to be a distinction, biological females, being the majority, should be called females and trans females should be trans females. My mum wants to be recognised as a female, same with loads of other females, and not have an extra label on her as she is 50% of the population. Hope you understand

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elon is an idiot

Defo not in the business world

not everything is business

What? I know that lmao

but puttting business at the expense of real people isn’t good

uh yeah he is??? he added limited views to a site where he gets ad money

Yeah that was annoying

>buy twitter with the intent of allowing “free speech”

>n word usage quintuples

>ban the word “cisgender”

What did Elon mean by this?

Yeah, you can’t have complete free speech or that is tyranny

ban other social media links 😳

Another reason wasteof is better!

honestly based the term cis confuses me like just say straight person???

correct me if i’m wrong, but is that not a term for a non-transgender person?

Yeah, that’s correct, that’s incredibly strange that that would be considered a slur when it just means that you identify as the same gender that you were born with

my mum thinks the term is offensive as she wants to be identified as a female, not a “cis female”

In regular conversation the term is unnecessary, but when it’s specifically about that topic then it makes sense to use the term.

I think she said that, since females are the way bigger majority (about 50% of the world is females) than females should get the “female title” over trans females, who should be referred to as trans females.

Sure, but just referring to “females” can be ambiguous and confusing in certain contexts. Not most of them, but some.

so that’s why she thinks that biological females who identify as females are “females” and trans females are “transgender females” to add context.

That's not really helpful though? “Transgender females” are trans females and “females” are trans females and cis females.

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both are females, neither gets the “title” which is why we need the distinction

She thinks that actual females should get priority over trans females, since they’re the majority. Also they are definitely different

still both females?? again, why we need the distinction??

i do acknowledge they have differences, but they are still women

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Ok so I just talked to her to confirm her opinion on this. She said “I am fine with transgender females being under the term female, however if an extra label needs to be added it should be for them, not me” I think that’s a fair viewpoint.

this doesn;t make sense though? if you’re okay with them being under the term female, than how do you refer to someone who is not a trans female. If she thinks trans female are female, then would she not want to be referred to as female (a sometimes-ambiguous term) when something concerns cis females?

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you cannot be serious 😭😭😭

you're meant to explain your thought process

okay vaguely transphobic person

if i’m transphobic for simply not understanding what the word cis means then I guess i’m a huge fucking transphobe then

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