jeffalo @jeffalo

in 1976, apple co founder ronald wayne sold his 10% share in apple for $800, which would be worth nearly $300,000,000,000 today.

he now sells $20 iphone cases and reprinted computer manuals on his website

Sep 14, 2023, 5:05 PM



when the wasteof stock opening up?

what did he buy with the 800 dollars tho?

burger king

adjusted for inflation thats about $4,316 so probably something more than burger king

the biggest fall

In the Steve Jobs biography he’s kinda described as the “adult in the room”. He only joined because Steve and Woz needed a tiebreaker. He said “They were whirlwinds — it was like having a tiger by the tail. If I had stayed with Apple I probably would have wound up the richest man in the cemetery.”