there’s a code red in my school
EDIT: things SEEM safer, and the weapon was pepper spray (according to my school, not sure if it IS or it isn’t)
EDIT 2: it’s a code green now (safe), but the halls are a mess (flooded with pepper spray), the person who had the weapon also had a blade
US moment
uh oh
Oh, yikes. Hope you're ok.
yeah i’m pretty safe, it’s a code yellow rn but they’re still tryna find the person with the weapon
yeahhh, it’s kinda problematic because the halls are also a mess
Stay safe.
thank you
what does that mean?
someone in the building has a firearm
like the mountain dew flavour? or something serious??? forgive me idfk what you mean
something serious
idk what else it’s called but in the state i live in, the general term is “code red”
meaning someone has a firearm or weapon and is threatening to use it (or HAS used it)
oh no
i’m in the safest room atm
we have actual bows and arrows in the back room and the door is at least 5 inches thick
it’s my JROTC class, which is underground
junior something something something cadet something
just about army stuff and citizenship, i need to pass it to be able to graduate
are you at a military school or something?