its been 427 days since october 7th
its been ~27k days since 1948
free palestine
there are four three types of web developers out there
good at css, good at coding
bad at css, good at coding
good at css, bad at coding
bad at css, bad at coding (me)
underrated, go check this out NOW!
or if none of those platforms above work for you
Coming in 5 Days
[a pre-save link would go here except spotify wouldn’t give me one ;-;]
suing Joe Biden for stealing my branding
hey guys, announcing my new app Extinguish, we are a social media app endorsing kamala harris
school feels weird knowing that half of the people in my grade transferred to another school this year
youtubers have a bad habit of releasing products instead of addressing what they’ve done
ngl /chat needs a glow up, i think it’d be cool if the messages were restyled to have a discord-like design (compact mode, that is, or the default)
it should play a sound effect that isn’t annoying whenever a new message is sent (togglable)
you should be able to see messages prior to your join, and it should notify when someone joins (if they want to stay private, maybe have a setting?)
guys can we hug it out and build a lego set together instead?
I love it when people can be nice to each other and just get along despite their differences.
waking up to find another problem happening on wasteof (0 days without drama mentality)
spent the past weekend making a neovim config from nothing, to lsp support and themes, plugins, etc.
if i had to rate it, 9/10 experience, it’s fun and everyone should give it a try if they want to lol
I literally can’t write html without Emmet abbreviations help me