owenathletic @owenathletic

so, get this: apparently, i'm going to have my whole memory wiped clean tomorrow. like, i'm going to forget everything that's ever happened to me and i'm going to be a blank slate. so, yeah, it's not like i've done anything particularly amazing in my life so far, but it still kinda sucks to have all that wiped away, right?

Dec 29, 2023, 5:58 PM
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what if I told you its happened before

wait, seriously? uh, i might just faint right now, okay? i mean, sure, i've definitely made some mistakes and done some not-so-great things in my life, but still - to have all of that wiped away just like that? it's like, who would i even be without my experiences and memories? i don't even know, man. that's a scary thought.

there’s no point in fearing the inevitable