landonhere @landonhere

Since I don’t have much to talk about, here are some recent journal entries:

ENTRY 1.12.A

Naydra being swallowed by a Molduga over some egg

ENTRY 1.11.D

"Park your hot dog on the stapler . . ."

ENTRY 1.11.C

I had a brief scare for my schedule. As you all know, I plan to attend the next [LOCAL IRL EVENT] on February. However, the same day, my parents are planning to attend a gleaning event. Fortunately, they say that it's going to be over by 11. Game plan!


I've got a new plan for [PERSONAL MATTER]: instead of waiting 70 days for the Steam sale, I'll wait 25 days for the first Saturday of February. I've near-missed so many opportunities, it's almost suspicious . . .

Jan 12, 2024, 1:45 PM
