gryffin @gryffin
lily @lily

hi can people stop complaining about repost chains please. it really bugs me, since it’s meta about people just having fun. there is, as far as i’m aware, no strain on the servers from doing it (i would imagine they’re simply a reference to the post, which is then dereferenced n times for the api representation). on the website, you have to explicitly click to reveal sub-posts, meaning it’s your fault if it gets large, and you can reload if it screws up your layout. as for wasteof for android, you can just Not Look At The Post. that’s an option. sure, it’s a little bit annoying to scroll past, but you are using a third party client (even if it’s labelled official), that isn’t developed by jeffalo. it’s also probably on micah’s to-do list. additionally, like tumblr, reposting is the only way to add a comment to something while making show as an original post. jeffalo could do like tumblr did and change the post to show on the same layer as the original post, meaning it doesn’t fuck up the layout the further in the post gets. then, there could just be a view more button like the current implementation.

Feb 21, 2024, 8:40 PM
Feb 21, 2024, 11:17 PM
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but like

just don’t click on the chain?

my main point is that there ar 22 posts on my feed. comments could easily solve this instead. also, jeffalo says people shouldn;t do this.

But reposts can help spread posts to new audiences as well unless wasteof pulls an 𝕏 and has comments on user profiles.

there’s a difference between spreading posts using reposts and repost chains. repost chains mean that post a is a repost of post b which is a repost of post c which is a repost of post d, etc. no one is saying we should limit the number of reposts (multiple people reposting the same post, thus drawing attention to it)