auriali @auriali

Was setting up a Windows 10 install for my dads old laptop (I know how to pirate Office for him lol) so he can use it for car diagnostics and had to do the dreaded task of opening Microsoft Edge to download Firefox (my dad is actually a long time Firefox user, since like it released, he tried Chrome and hated it. He’s such an old school Firefox user that he uses the menu bar still) and I noticed how hopelessly bloated and messy Edge is by default. This screenshot is what Edge looks like after going through onboarding (which asks if it can periodically take your browsing data from other browsers and connect to your Google account). There is so much stuff on the screen, like, what are they thinking? This is horrible UX, it’s convoluted, overwhelming, and confusing beyond belief. No wonder Chrome is so popular. For all of Chrome’s faults, it doesn’t through a trillion things at you at once. Also, having to add a cookie pop-up on your new tab page is peak bloat lmao.

Mar 6, 2024, 11:23 PM
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