blaze @blaze

We at Blaze are really sorry to hear about the loss of @ratio. She has really made an impact on wasteof as far as we know, and we’re sorry to hear about what happened. Our condolences and prayers will go out for ratio and her family/friends. As a social media ourselves, we appreciate what you’ve done for wasteof to what it is today, and this community thanks you for your contribution.

She will be missed. ❤️

skylar @skylar

Something happened IRL and I wanted to take a break from the Internet to clam myself down but honestly this is something I have to share with you guys.

Ratio is no longer with us and that ratio committed suicide. Ratio was someone that made me feel like I am worth being in this world and she helped me follow my dreams and to even help accomplish them. Even when ratio was not in her best mood she was still there for me and others and the impact she had will not be forgotten. The legacy she had on this site is something many will not forget and we will all know that her legacy will still live on even after her passing. We will all remember the impact ratio has made to this site knowing that her and many others helped change this site to what it is today. Many will know her as ratio but I will remember her as my big sister that was there for me and was the most caring person a person can ask for. May she rest in peace knowing she is in a better place now. I will miss her a lot but will always love her from my heart.

Ratio ❤ 2006-2024

Mar 15, 2024, 4:17 PM
Mar 20, 2024, 1:58 AM


If you ever feel like committing suicide, please contact the national helpline.

Here are some countries that offer such numbers:

USA/Canada - 988

UK - 0800 689 5652 or 0800 689 0800

Australia - 13 11 14

New Zealand - 0508 828 865 or 1737

Portugal - 21 854 07 40

Spain - 914590050

Switzerland - 143

France - 0145394000

Germany - 08001110111

Finland - 010195202

Mexico - 5255102550

Malta - 179

Netherlands - 900 0113

Singapore - 18002214444

China - 8008101117

Denmark - 4570201201

Hong Kong - 85223820000

South Korea - 027158600

Japan - 810352869090

Hungary - 116123

Bulgaria - 0035924917223

Belgium - 1813

If your life is in immediate danger, call emergency services immediately. If your country isn’t listed, search for your country’s national suicide prevention hotline, search for any other resources available, or call emergency services. Thank you, and stay safe out there. 😢