epicgamer2007 @epicgamer2007

I agree with this post entirely. 9/11 was a horrible tragedy that killed millions of Americans. Even though it happened 23 years ago, it still isn’t okay to joke about. Anything that involves serious topics should NEVER be joked about under any circumstance.

nyc @nyc

deeply saddened to see that this conduct is on wasteof.money. making fun of terror attacks is where i draw the line. 9/11 killed 2,996 people and isn’t something that’s acceptable to joke about, even if you are desperate to be quirky or funny.

lily’s unedited post said:

the debate bros on this site are so fucking tiring “debate me debate me!! i want to push my right wing views onto you!!” i’m fucking tired let me make fun of 9/11 in peace

(as is available in edit history)

@jeffalo @wasteof.money @wuilly

Mar 25, 2024, 11:36 PM
Mar 26, 2024, 2:48 PM
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