auriali @auriali

crazy how Spotify is putting the price of premium up yet again (11.99 now) when they are the only major music streaming service other than YouTube to not provide any sort of high resolution audio option, no Dolby Atmos, no spacial audio, and they are one of the worst in terms of what they pay artists. meanwhile they add stuff like video courses that no one wants and you have to pay for individually per course on top of premium as some sort of knock-off skillshare 💀

Apr 18, 2024, 11:25 PM
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there’s been articles for years saying they’d add lossless, they initially announced the feature back in like 2021 and have said nothing since. plus from all the reports over the years it seems they will want you to pay more money to get the lossless audio whereas apple, amazon, or tidal offer it as part of the 10.99 price. like if spotify adds it at no cost then great, but it seems like that won’t be the case