esben @esben

Hot Take: I don’t think Blaze is a waste of clone. Blaze has many other features that waste of doesn’t have (as pointed out by blaze) such as videos, groups, and DM’s. While I don’t think blaze has done a ton for this site, mainly just advertise blaze, I would not ban them personally. However, this is up to the people who own the site. Also, if you unfollow blaze, it’s unlikely you will see their post’s, since blaze has had like one post on trending throughout their “career”. Blaze is more similar to twitter than to wasteof in my opinion, so if you call it a wasteof clone, isn’t wasteof just a twitter clone? (Don’t get me wrong I love wasteof, but most people here call it “twitter but better) I wonder why they would say that???




I think blaze is more similar to twitter than wasteof. And In response to jeffalos’s post, I think he should do what he likes with his website.

If you don’t like blaze, unfollow them, and you shouldn’t see there posts often

Apr 19, 2024, 1:23 PM
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The thing I dislike most about blaze isn’t that it’s a wasteof clone, because it’s not really, but that the owner of the account is peddling blaze as this revolutionary new social media app that everyone should join, etc etc, when it’s really just a buggy webapp built using Wix. Blaze is something that I could probably create in a day or so if I decided to use Wix to do it. Nothing in Blaze is hardcoded as far as I know, and it really feels like the owner is just advertising a relatively lower-effort generic social media platform. Also, the manager behind the blaze account is not professional at all. Challenging jeffalo to follow wars, verbally retorting/mocking people who criticize blaze, all makes me feel like the owner is not really fit to run a social media.

Also, why would blaze be advertising on wasteof? We only have about 4000 users and only a small percent of them are active, so advertising on wasteof will not get you a lot of users. The only thing advertising here will really get you is a reputation among the community for being annoying and advertising your service without actually contributing anything to the site.

That being said, I would be willing to give blaze another chance if they moved away from Wix, mellowed out with their advertising, and started contributing something to the wasteof community.

I understand, however, I can understand why the owner of blaze had enough. Blaze was super polite, nice and professional when they joined. But people kept being jerks to them even thought they didn’t do anything. But instead of unfollowing blaze and moving on, they just took every shot to dunk on them possible (I was one of those people at one point) So It’s completely fair for blaze to clap back in my opinion. As for the website, it doesn’t look that great, but the owner probably wanted to make a large community without spending a long time learning to code, and developing a site from scratch. I don’t think Blaze has done anything positive for the site, but when they joined, they were quite nice and polite.

While it’s true that Blaze was fine when they joined, they quickly became annoying. They were relentlessly advertising their “service,” and, perhaps worst of all, they were completely ignoring constructive criticism. People would make suggestions and recommendations to improve Blaze, however the owner of the account always brushed these off.

It also feels like the owner chose to use Wix because they were trying to pull a jeffalo of sorts and wanted to create their own social media service by themselves. Except, that’s not how it went. Jeffalo has plenty of help in the development of wasteof, and it feels like Blaze didn’t understand this. People even offered to help, myself included, and we either never got a response or got a rejection. I have absolute confidence that if Blaze really wanted to create an engaging, unique social media service they absolutely could have learned a bit of node or flask or socketio and some html, css and javascript, developed a prototype, then asked online for some help, because making a social media service and then keeping it up to date is a task that is nigh impossible alone.

That nonwithstanding, I also believe that certain people could have been nicer to Blaze.

I agree with everything you said. Except that people offered “constructive criticism” maybe yeah, but 90% of it was making fun of blaze.

well, some people did offer constructive criticism, however it got buried by all of the jokes. for instance, i made a few recommendations to blaze about how they could make their brand more appealing, but i never got an answer.