auriali @auriali

just gonna say it, but I think in a lot of ways iOS is a poor UX experience. some reasons:

  1. back button isn't consistent & is annoying to reach, it's at the top of the screen a lot, making it hard to reach one handed. sometimes the button is somewhere else depending on the app you're using.

  2. for some reason safari settings are shoved into system settings, so you have to dig through to find it to configure basic things like extensions

  3. you can't turn Bluetooth off via control centre, you need to go into settings to do that too

I could go on if it thought about it more, but yeah. I've used iOS a good amount for years as I have owned 2 iPads and having used android phones for a long time as well I just find I have to go through more hoops to do things on iOS than android.

jeffalo @jeffalo

to elaborate, my whole life i’ve thought iphones were supposed to be easy to use and stuff. i spent an embarrassingly long time trying to change my wallpaper. or delete a shortcut automation i accidentally made.

jeffalo @jeffalo

i am under the impression im actually too dumb to use an iphone

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