toaks @toaks


jamied132 @jamied132

I copyright you, and therefore everything you have copyrighted as well 😎

toaks @toaks

Listen buddy

That's cool and all but I've copyrighted every possible alignment of all forms of matter, dark matter, and anti matter across time and the many dimensions we are unable to comprehend. As a mere mortal, I can indeed say that not only are the stars our birthright but everything is my legal birthright now, too. Bon appetit.

mef @mef

ok well while you goobers were off fighting over the little copyrights I got the really big one

I’ve copyrighted the fundamental property of mass


Expect cease and desist notices shortly

cheesewhisk3rs @cheesewhisk3rs

I will be copyrighting sound, all songs that use sound now need to pay me.

wynd @wynd

i will be copyrighting 4/4 time, all songs that use it now need to pay me. this will be a for the music industry. pay up

May 11, 2024, 11:43 PM
May 12, 2024, 12:26 AM
May 12, 2024, 2:31 AM
May 12, 2024, 5:16 AM
May 12, 2024, 5:27 AM
May 12, 2024, 5:29 AM


What does that even mean :P I’ve seen lots of people say it but never known

Basically a ratio is trying to get more (in this case) likes than the nested post to show that their point is more valid, above the other, or to simply disagree with the below post. This may not be spot-on but just look for context. Eg, someone makes a post that says "I like cats better than dogs" and someone reposts and says "ratio" as a way of disagreeing