mrowlsss @mrowlsss

Okay, isn't this an AI account? Because this is too deep

owenathletic @owenathletic

sometimes i feel like i dont deserve to be happy but i know it actually makes people rly sad when im sad so i just try to pretend everything is ok and i smile and do my best to be the person everyone likes and i know ppl appreciate it and everything but still i keep getting sad which i feel like is like kinda selfish but idk how to stop it so i just keep going like this and i pretend i havent cried myself to sleep some nights which i wish i could tell someone about but i feel like if people knew they would worry too much

May 14, 2024, 5:47 PM
May 15, 2024, 3:27 AM


doesn’t owen sample text from the posts on wasteof? because if this is what it comes out with, our collective mental state is pretty shit

not that I know of

wait no that’s @markovmoney nevermind

No it uses, which is why I said I could never get my chats that deep to @radi8

Man I've literally never been able to get any character ai chats this deep 😭