phantomluigi @phantomluigi

Last one…


Prank call #1:

Phone rings

Joe: Hi KFC

Phone: Uh, hi, is your refrigerator running?

Joe: Are you?

Phone: w-what?

Joe: Are you running?

Phone: No why...

Joe: Because the second I put down this phone I will hunt you down and I will murder everyone you love in front of your very eyes, then I'll leave you to starve before coming back to finish the job. And as I come back to finish it, your mother will be with me as well, then I will cut of your arms and legs as me and your mother have hot steamy sex on your slowly dying body. So maybe before you decide to make prank calls you should consider that your actions have consequences. Have a nice life...

Hangs up...

Manager: Hey Joe! Was that the fridge repair guy? I've been expecting his call...

Joe: ... No... I have no idea what your talking about...



Joe is walking to work when an old lady is walking past him

Old Lady: Oh, Hi there son!

Joe Bear Sprays Her...



Joe: Oh, hi grandma... didn't recognize you...

phantomluigi @phantomluigi



Could the dickhead who named themselves "Gigantic Penis" please collect their fuckin food



Joe: Hi, sir! How's the legs today?

Vietnam Vet: Hello soldier! Still hurting, right where that vietnamese scumbag shot me durin the great war, I'll never forget... just a bucket for one and a large mountain dew today...

Joe: That'll be $19.55




Joe: Have you ever wanted to have a nice dinner alone?

Just wanted to eat by yourself.


Well stop being such a sad piece of shit! Get some bitches!

Introducing KFC's new bucket for two. Perfect for those on a date, having hot sex or for you lonely fat fucks who want to get fatter! And for those at a house party or an orgy, or the really really fat fucks, the new bucket for multiple people is just for you! Drop in too kfc today, dont be a bitch!


phantomluigi @phantomluigi

I’ve decided to share my favorite ideas for my animation, I have some more that I have not written down yet, but here are some, please tell me what you think:


I dont want to be offensive to anyone (Incomplete):

Joe: You may be viewing this and thinking, jeez, what a prick... then you look out of the mirror and instead at this video... I may say some things... but I promise... I don't mean to offend anyone...



Pretend Shooting:

Joe: Ok, so,... new... girl

new girl: Melissa

Joe: Yep, so new girl, this is your first time on the front counter... let's start with some emergency training... So what do we do in the instance of a robbery...?

New Girl: um... do exactly as they say... (nervous)

Joe: Good! You won't die too soon!

New Girl: gulp

Joe: No need to be nervous, I've worked here for ages and I've never seen a robbery!

someone bursts in with a gun

Robber: Everyone get the fuck on the ground!

Joe: Oh shit... I'll handle this!

Robber: Give me all the money from the register!

Joe: No! Fuck yourself!

Robber: shoots Joe in the face

Joe falls to the ground and new girl approaches him screaming and crying

Joe takes off fake bullet wound and gets up...

Joe: Okay do you see what I did wrong there? That's what happens when you don't do as they say. Thanks for the help garry, you can go back to work now.

Garry: No problem.

May 24, 2024, 2:00 AM
May 24, 2024, 2:02 AM
May 24, 2024, 2:03 AM
