mrowlsss @mrowlsss

I thought Israel was the "good side"? I actually don't know what's going on can someone explain

mef @mef

reminder that Palestine (Gaza and the West Bank) is still under attack ← video with more information

free Palestine

May 25, 2024, 5:19 PM
May 25, 2024, 9:44 PM
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DISCLAIMER: I don’t know anything. I’m probably making half this shit up and sourcing the other half from wack sources. That said, the following is how I understand the situation, but feel free to correct any or all of it.

The state of Israel was established by the Allies after the holocaust as a place to settle displaced Jews. Palestinians already lived on this land, and many were, in turn, displaced. Many in Israel thought the region was rightfully theirs for some religious reason or another. For the last however many years, Israel has harrassed Palestine (and at some point began occupying it?), wanting to control the entirety of the region.

Several months ago, a terror group from Palestine called Hamas attacked Israel and took a couple hundred hostages. Israel went to war with Hamas and has been attacking Palestine without regard for civilian life.

Since the start of the Israel-Hamas war, over 35,000 Palestinian civilians have been killed.