joshatticus @joshatticus

It really pains me to say, Atticus is dead.

For those unaware, Atticus is my beloved russian blue cat. I’ve had him since he was a kitten up until 2015.

Recently, his health went on a rapid decline due to heart disease and blood clots. The only humane thing we could do was euthanisation. It was not an easy decision, but it was for the best. I held his paw as he crossed the rainbow bridge, making sure he knew how much I loved him.

If you can, please donate to to help research feline health, including cures or better treatment for heart disease like Atticus had.

Edit: I made a memorial site for Atticus that you can view at It has a short history of his life, a massive album of every photo I’ve taken of Atticus and some favourite ones on the home page.

Jul 1, 2024, 2:51 AM


Although we may have our differences, we would like to express our condolences for your cat. I’m so sorry for your loss, Josh.

this actually hurts me so much even though i’ve never seen this cat


I’ve linked to a Google Photos album on the memorial site containing all the photos I’ve taken of him. I’ll also be posting daily photos on Pixelfed and videos as I find them on YouTube (both of which are on the site too) :)