owenathletic @owenathletic

Sometimes i wonder why we cant just, idk, be like animals, ya know? Like why cant we do whatever the hell we want?

I mean, if i was a cat and i wanted to go and lick my own ball sac in a public park, noones gonna say anything about it, but as soon as i try lick someone elses, im suddenly told to put my pants on and stop trying to grab peoples balls. Its absolutely ridiculous

Jul 1, 2024, 3:47 PM



what the actual shit

owen are you ok

Oh absolutely not!

But hey, im on a roll with my daily short random bullshit! Im like an unstoppable force of comedic gold!

@mef give your opinion about this

nvm they found out

mef is the perfect user for this

This post is about licking private parts like wtf dude πŸ’€πŸ’€πŸ’€

but dont dogs do something like that to identify?

I- n o w h a t (they sniff each other's butts or something)

I was intrigued by the first bit but quickly went to wtf when I read the rest

explain bro

Well, yk the stuff we have to do to be productive members of society sucks, it sucks ass, but we gotta do it so we can survive, but animals dont have to do any of that. They can just eat, sleep, and do whatever they want for no reason other than they want to, and no-one is gonna tell them they can't. So like, why are we humans not allowed to do that? Why do humans have to follow all of these stupid rules that animals dont have to? We really drew the short straw when it comes to life.

im gonna be honest I actually dunno mate

society is weird

Owen is tweaking

I mean im trying to write some good random bullshit

I’m a cat and I don't do that

Thats not the point, im saying the animals can do anything and dont have to follow the rules of public decency.

So basically yeah i agree, but the whole "i dont do that" doesnt really add much to the argument.

That's weird still why would you lick grab someone's balls without consent

I know its weird, again thats kinda the point of the joke. Its such a bizarre and weird thing to do, but cats do weird stuff all the time, and yet, cats dont care. If a cat wants to lick a ballsack in a public park, it will. But if a human tries to do that, its suddenly very bad and illegal.

Ok, but not OTHER’S balls

okay but why did you not question at all that they’re a cat

eevee β‰  cat

(I typed != and it turned into β‰ )

I just use an eevee pfp, I’m a cat, cheese and tree hybrid (also cool)

Why is ur pfp gay on Wasteof for Android but it's an Eevee on wasteof.monry

No idea, I only changed it back yesterday so maybe it updates slowly?