auriali @auriali

Hey guys, to begin our work of bringing my manifesto to life, we have the first prototype of a Arch Linux user badge, which is our 6th point in the manifesto; “Arch Linux users to get free badge to indicate they are Arch Linux users“ - let me know what you think!

Jul 27, 2024, 10:28 PM


if I had Arch installed on my old machine but my new one has W11, am I eligible to get it

i’m in a good mood today so sure why not

I wish I could use arch linux, except i can’t because then i can’t use my music production software 😭😭

ableton runs well in Wine

Wait really? I’ve gotta try it sometime :D

it’s actually fairly easy to set up, it does have some issues with the folder scanning thing tho that causes it to crash so you gotta stop the scanning right as you open it

can you make a framework laptop 13 AMD version bc that's kinda my thing

I do not use arch linux btw