no way
guys would the wasteof mascot be a wombat? but like a bat. with uniform. so a wom bat
guys would the wasteof mascot be a wombat? but like a bat. with uniform. so a wom bat
guys. i might be stupid but i’m not an idiot. i can tell when you log into your 15 alt accounts to spam likes on your friend’s post about your birthday party to get it on trending.
manipulating statistics using alts is very much against the rules. anyone who does so will be banned without a warning.
i was wondering why everyone was looking at me funny.
it's raining. so i wore my rain jacket.
everybody else's rain jackets are nice muted colours. mine is the brightest yellow you can imagine. i stick out like a sore thumb.
how about everyone on wasteof is verified, but it costs $8 to hide the tick.
anybody know what is a good mastodon instance? should i just host my own?
@ whoever owns @showerthoughtsbot. would be nice if you added a profile picture and stuff. i like the bot.
why do i have exactly the same subscriber count on wasteof and on youtube?