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lockpicker @lockpicker

Golden Gimmick is the first level of Rainy Vista. It introduces a new key type, the Master Key.


Tired of the same old key colors? Try the Master Key! If you have a Master key, you can press [X] to use it instead of a normal key. They will open any door, no matter the color or size! If you change your mind about using one, just press [X] again. (Also, yes, calling them gold keys is fine too.)

(Note: The [X] part matches your Action control, and thus may be different if you rebind your keys.)

Puzzle Logic

The master keys can be used to open doors you don't have the proper keys for, as well as help conserve keys you would have otherwise spent.

Because there is a purple door with no purple key, a master key must be used on the purple door.

On the right side, the two master keys must be used on the double doors to conserve enough white keys to get to the goal.


  1. Pick up the master key.

  2. Press [X] to use the master key to open the white door.

  3. Pick up the master key and white key.

  4. Open the white door, then press [X] to use the master key to open the purple door.

  5. Pick up the master key.

  6. Use the master key to open the upper white 2-door, then pick up the 2 white keys.

  7. Open the upper-right white door and pick up the master key.

  8. Use the master key to open the lower white 2-door, then open the final white door and touch the goal.

Jun 13, 2024, 5:22 PM
lockpicker @lockpicker

Pentacolor Pattern is the third bonus level of Doorhaven. It contains several passages of single doors with matching keys in from of them, while a series of double doors blocking the goal force the player to exchange between key colors in a specific order.


Oh dear. Looking at all of these keys and doors arranged in this cool pattern is making me a bit dizzy... But hey, at least most of the doors have matching keys in front of them, so you'll certainly have an easy time opening them. Whether that solves the puzzle or not, I'm less sure of.

May 9, 2024, 10:37 PM
lockpicker @lockpicker

Flower is the second bonus level of Doorhaven. The level involves eight binary choices, with only 1 combination out of the 256 possibilities being valid given the key amounts provided at the start of the level. The high number of possibilities make this level difficult to solve through trial and error. Because of that, this level often presents a challenge to new players of the game.


This flower has quite a lot of branching paths on its...flower-branches. I'm sure you could try every combination of ways to go, but only one out of the 256 combinations would be correct. There has to be a better way to figure this out...

Apr 30, 2024, 6:43 AM
lockpicker @lockpicker

More Than Three Choices is the first bonus level of Doorhaven. It follows the single key/single door pattern of most Doorhaven levels, but the logic is complicated by the fact that some paths can be accessed from both ends, causing the usual "forced move" logic to not work for certain parts of the puzzle.


Uh oh! It seems that just like before, there are several different paths you could take here. Sure, just about anyone could navigate a jumble like this, but you might set yourself up for a rude awakening later down the line if you rely solely on your instincts.

Puzzle Logic

If the player follows the usual forced move logic present in earlier puzzles, they will likely find themselves with not enough pink keys to get to the exit. Instead the player should examine the pink keys carefully:

  • The puzzle starts the player with 1 pink key, but 2 are needed to get to the exit. Therefore it is necessary to net one pink key.

  • The only place to net a pink key is at the row 2nd from the top, approaching from the right side. The pink door on that row cannot be opened.

  • One of the pink doors on the bottom row can be opened, but not both.

After these realizations, the player should be able to use standard Doorhaven logic to solve the rest of the puzzle.

Apr 27, 2024, 3:17 AM
lockpicker @lockpicker

Marketplace is the tenth and final main level of Doorhaven. It tests the player with a large amount of Bulk Keys and Bulk Doors in various colors, challenging the player to open the correct doors and collect the 6 required white keys to win.


Here's a good puzzle to send you off after your stay in Doorhaven! The goal is simple: Bring 6 White Keys to the door! How you manage to do that is for you to figure out. Good luck!

Apr 26, 2024, 2:10 PM
lockpicker @lockpicker

Count the Locks! is the ninth level of Doorhaven. It uses the Bulk Key and Bulk Door mechanics introduced in the previous level, asking the player to count the locks to see which route can be opened with 16 white keys. This type of counting is useful for many later puzzles in the game.


It's time to play everyone's favorite game, Count the Locks! It's as simple as it sounds! Although, if you don't want to play that game, you could enable the Simple Locks option to turn everything into numbers. That's fine, too!

Puzzle Logic

The only logic needed for this puzzle is to move forward while spending as few white keys as possible.

The first set (from top to bottom) has 11, 9, and 10 locks. The middle path has the lowest total and is therefore the best choice.

The second set has 8 locks on top and 7 locks on bottom. The bottom path is the winning choice here.


  1. Pick up the 16 white keys.

  2. Open all doors in the middle-left row.

  3. Open all doors in the bottom-right row.

  4. Touch the goal.

Apr 18, 2024, 2:16 PM
lockpicker @lockpicker

Greater Than One is the eighth level of Doorhaven. It is the first level to introduce Bulk Keys and Bulk Doors.


You're doing well! Since you understand the basics of keys and doors now, let's introduce Bulk Keys and Doors! I think it's also a good time to mention that by hovering the mouse over a key or door, you can see all of its properties, and you can also place Pencilmarks by using [LClick], which will be very useful for keeping notes!

Puzzle Logic

If the bottom-right 2-white door is opened first, there will not be enough orange keys to get the 6 white keys that are needed. As long as the left 2-white door is opened first, the puzzle pretty much solves itself.


  1. Grab the 2 white keys, open the middle left 2-door, and pick up the orange key and 3 white keys.

  2. Open the bottom-right white 2-door and pick up the 2 orange keys and white key.

  3. Open the top-right orange 3-door and pick up the 4 white keys.

  4. Open the middle-right white 6-door and touch the goal.

Apr 16, 2024, 12:06 AM
lockpicker @lockpicker

Escort is the seventh level of Doorhaven. It introduces paths that can be entered from both ends, leaving the player with many options to choose from. As a result, this is arguably the first puzzle in the game that cannot be solved easily through trial and error, encouraging the player to think logically about their goal.


Regarding your movement speed: You can hold [Up] to move faster on the ground, and [Down] to slow down, which is very helpful in cramped spaces so you don't run into a key or door on accident. You can also press [E] to toggle Auto-Run, which switches the run and walk speeds.

Puzzle Logic

The only purple key in the puzzle must be spent for the exit, so no other purple door in the puzzle can be opened.

Due to the previous point, only one pink key is accessible, which also must be spent for the exit. So no other pink doors can be opened either.

From this point, the player can just follow the forced move logic from the previous two puzzles to win.

Apr 15, 2024, 2:47 AM
lockpicker @lockpicker

Three Choices is the sixth level of Doorhaven. It has three different paths to the goal, as well as a few consecutive doors and keys. Despite the layout difference, it essentially involves the same logic as the previous level, Tunnels.


Oh my! There are three paths to the goal now! That's like, there times as many ways you could mess things up! So...Which way is the correct one?

Puzzle Logic

Based on the "forced moves" logic of the previous puzzle, the player should first clear out all of the orange doors with orange keys behind them. This leaves just the middle path to spend the orange key afterwards, giving a cyan key in return.

The cyan door in the middle has another cyan key behind it, making this a forced move. It also gives the player an orange key.

After this, the bottom cyan door is the only viable option, giving the player a second orange key.

The only place to spend the 2 orange keys is at the top row, giving one cyan key.

The cyan key can then be used at the bottom to get to the goal.


  1. Pick up the orange key.

  2. Open the middle orange door, pick up the cyan key, open the middle cyan door next to it, then pick up the orange and cyan keys.

  3. Open all bottom doors except the last, picking up the orange key.

  4. Open the three top orange doors and pick up the cyan key.

  5. Open the bottom cyan door.

  6. Touch the goal.

Apr 13, 2024, 12:41 PM
lockpicker @lockpicker

Tunnels is the fifth level of Doorhaven. It introduces a much more complex situation than the previous levels while teaching the player to use logic to narrow down their options.


Now, I know this looks like a sudden jump in complexity. And, it sort of is. However, there are sometimes moves you can make that will open a door at no net expense! Identifying moves like that will be useful for later puzzles.

Puzzle Logic

Opening a door with the same colored key behind it is a net gain for the player in this scenario, because it removes an obstacle without affecting the player's key count. As long as the player always makes this kind of move as soon as it is available, the puzzle will be easy to solve.


  1. Pick up the white key.

  2. Open the bottom white door and pick up the white key.

  3. Open the white door and pick up the orange key.

  4. Open the top orange door and pick up the orange key.

  5. Open the bottom orange door and pick up the white key.

  6. Open the white door and pick up the blue key.

  7. Open the bottom blue door and pick up the blue key.

  8. Open the blue door and pick up the two orange keys.

  9. Open the orange door and pick up the white key.

  10. Open the other orange door and pick up the white key.

  11. Open both white doors and touch the goal.

Apr 12, 2024, 6:18 PM
lockpicker @lockpicker

Double Door! is the fourth level in Doorhaven. This level introduces consecutive doors, requiring the player to carry multiple keys at once.


One major principle in these puzzles is comparing the number of keys with the number of doors. For example: Here there are 8 doors, but only 7 keys! Oh no! I hope this one's solvable...

Puzzle Logic

Opening the bottom green door leaves the player unable to progress further, so the bottom white door must be opened instead. The two white keys are needed to get the two orange keys to get to the goal, so the bottom green key must be used to unlock the green door to the two white keys.


  1. Pick up the green key.

  2. Pick up the white key and open the white door.

  3. Open the top green door and pick up the 2 white keys.

  4. Open the two white doors and pick up the 2 orange keys.

  5. Open the two orange doors and touch the goal.

Apr 11, 2024, 11:46 PM
lockpicker @lockpicker

Color Search is the third level of Doorhaven. It gives the player a choice that becomes obvious if the player works backwards from the goal. It is also the first level with keys and doors that should not be interacted with, commonly known as "red herrings."


You'll encounter all sorts of different key and door types as you go along! For now, though, let's build some experience. Sometimes, working backwards from the end goal is a good way to get an idea of what to do!

Puzzle Logic

The goal requires a pink key, which can only be gotten by spending a purple key. Therefore, the player should spend their white key to get a purple key.


  1. Pick up the white key.

  2. Open the right white door and pick up the purple key.

  3. Open the purple door and pick up the pink key.

  4. Open the pink door and touch the goal.

Apr 11, 2024, 10:51 AM
lockpicker @lockpicker

Two of a Kind is the second level of Doorhaven. It presents a situation where the player is likely to run into an unsolvable situation and need to use the undo option.


If you ever find yourself in an unsolvable position in a puzzle, press [Z] to rewind your actions, or [R] to completely restart. You can also press [BSpace] to leave a level and come back to it later. With that said, here's a puzzle you can conceivably fail!

Puzzle Logic

Going straight for the orange key after getting the white key makes the player unable to open the white door to the exit. Instead the player must open the bottom white door first and then use the second white key to get the orange key.


  1. Pick up the white key.

  2. Open the bottom white door and pick up the other white key.

  3. Open the top white door and pick up the orange key.

  4. Open the orange door and touch the goal.

Apr 10, 2024, 11:37 PM
lockpicker @lockpicker

Keys and Doors is the first level of Doorhaven. It introduces the basic concept of using a single key to open a matching colored door.


Welcome to the world of doors! Before you are three of them, as well as some keys. Picking up a key allows you to open one door of the matching color. Your goal in every puzzle is to reach the green goal point. Let's start out with an easy one. Good luck!

Puzzle Logic

There is no logic necessary, as there is only one path forward and the player cannot possibly fail.


  1. Pick up the white key.

  2. Open the white door and pick up the orange key.

  3. Open the orange door and pick up the purple key.

  4. Open the purple door and touch the goal.

Apr 10, 2024, 2:16 PM