micahlt's wall

your “the caf at mc website” is one of the greatest websites i’ve ever used, can you confirm whether or not the bbq chicken is actually that good?

congrats you are officially famous

so uh, i can’t login because there are no Oauth options like GitHub

at the moment this isn't possible :( please add a password via the web interface and then you'll be able to use wasteof for Android!

hey uh, just noticed that the android app caches profiles, so it can be a bit outdated

or I’m probably just on an outdated version, sorry if I am lol (havent checked)

It does, and it's a known issue :) working on it!

ah alright, my bad then! good luck!!

what the hell, bought you a coffee too. name is under “3xiondev”

Wow, thanks! Appreciate it :)

What is good my dude, i met you on scratch a few years ago and you were super nice. It’s really cool to see that you’ve moved onto a good career and education.

Wow, that means a lot! Thank you very much!

I've noticed vesper is very slow, but that isn't your fault, so I'd look at https://blog.0x7d0.dev/history/how-they-bypass-youtube-video-download-throttling/ if I were you. I'd help, but idk nodejs.

i am your follower number 200

Thanks so much!!

hey, read my newest post

why does the app say i have 0 notifications sometimes

Hii! We are a new startup website where a limited amount of creators will write tech-related articles for a wide audience. Would you like to join and write your own posts?

Hey I found one other thing in the wateof app. When I create new lines, they don't appear in the post. Eg, I want:

Line 1

Line 2

And I get

Line 1Line2

Thanks for the report! I’ll try to keep it in mind, but you may want to file an issue on the GitHub page just in case. https://github.com/micahlt/wasteof.mobile

Hey I found a glitch in wasteof.mobile: if you refresh the comments page after posting a comment (this includes the automatic refresh made after posting it), the existing comments duplicate.

Thanks for letting me know!