Damn really cured my depression by being happy
This sounds unbelievably stupid but it's amazing to realize the amount of power you have over how other people feel, especially for being happy. It's become so standard to close up and just talk negatively about yourself that you may not realize how easily you can make someone else's day good.
It's really weird to create a community around something you love and then watch as you are shunned from it and it becomes inactive
My maths teacher has a bunch of pictures of buff Garfield on her wall
oh and new profile and banner (in case its unreadable my banner is the_updator saying “ball rtx on”)
got the Just Cause 3 DLC pack, feeling good. also steve in smash is busted (I got 13 minecart kills)
Horrible, insulting, demeaning birthday card idea for gamers: (cover) LEVEL UP! (Inside) please spend your skill points on intelligence this time.
It's wild just how statistically unlikely so many things are. For example, I am now great friends with someone I met during DnD and only because we both had time after the session, my family was camping, and that we were both there in the first place. All of that could've been different and then we wouldn't be friends, but it all happened just like that :D
Imagine being cured of blindness by like Jesus or something idk and he goes ha made you look
Here's a secret: during my sixth grade year, I discovered that there are emails for each grade which mass emails each grade respectively.
If you are in public school, willing to get in trouble, and really hate your school, email your entire school :)
You didn't hear this from me