auriali @auriali

they just can’t handle my impeccable beauty! i would also like to buy some of the aforementioned mcnuggets.

mcnugget @mcnugget

why is everyone picking fights with @auriali? they just joined yesterday lol.

maybe they need to buy some mcnuggets. then everyone will like them. not including @ee. they dont like mcnuggets.

Mar 17, 2022, 3:53 PM
Mar 17, 2022, 5:57 PM
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Thank you for the swift and helpful reply, I shall now march fourth to my local McDonald’s Franchisee and scream at the nearest employee to serve me 20 McNuggets for the low price of $5.00 (£3.80 according to current exchange rates as I live in Scotland and not The United States of America [known as McDonald’s Homeland by some]) and eat them rapidly, savouring the taste of the Nuggettie goodness.