dertermenter @dertermenter

Food hot take 6: Brown bread > White bread.

Brown bread keeps you fuller for longer, is more firm, has a better texture and is overall better.

White bread is only better in hot sandwiches (toasties/grilled cheeses and sausage/bacon sandwiches)

Sourdough bread is also overrated and worse than both!

May 10, 2023, 2:14 PM


I think it’s the opposite. Brown on hot, white on cold.

Agreed, i can’t stand grilled cheese with brown bread, but for toast, brown bread is soooo much better

wow an actual good take for once

all my takes are good??? :P

besides the grilled cheese stuff…

sourdough is the best bread

Sourdough is rank

*Jerma “I’m killing you“ clip*

As long as it doesn't have seeds in it, yes

Seeds on the crust is fine