flex @flex

Someone stole my Switch from my backpack in the boys locker room during gym. Fuck my school.

Forgot to mention: my school’s administrator is an actual dickhead and he said “What do you want me to do? Check the cameras?”, YES, THAT’S LITERALLY ALL I WANT

(By cameras, he means the hallway cameras in case someone went in during class)

Nov 19, 2023, 2:18 AM


why did you take it to school?

because i was bored and i had to stay after school for like 4 hours and half of that time is just waiting in a line so i had to entertain myself one way or another


I stole a 50cent pen

i wish all they stole was my homework

the person who did it damn-near avoided everything related to school

You could ask the staff member’s in your school to check the camera’s

only the administrators can

someone stole $400 from my friend in the boys locker room

the worst part is there’s no way of finding out who did it

Damn, that really fucking sucks, I hope you can somehow manage to get it back.

i actually was thinking about it so hard last night

and one of my friends said “have you checked the other lockers?” with a smirk on his face, so that’ss exactly what i’m going to do on monday

if this is a prank i’m gonna be pissed because i got in trouble for getting it stolen

Wait, you got in trouble because someone stole it from you?

yeah, it was a gift from my dad

and i see why he’s upset about me losing it (it took him an entire day to find me one, and he went to 16 retail stores)

Ok that makes sense

i feel extremely guilty which is why i’m doing literally everything in my power to get it back or at least find who stole it