mrowlsss @mrowlsss

My honest opinion of users (part 1)

  • @3xiondev: semi-relatable fellow bisexual developer

  • @lily: trans furry whom i respect, also my go-to ask when im questioning being non-binary and the like

  • @pkmnq: nighty morning

  • @lonelyking: i met when playing lopobia, have been friends since

  • @wully: he made the wasteof api docs so like i gotta respect

  • @jeffalo: god (/j)

  • @radi8: weird successful kid who i consider to be friends with but i dont know if they feel the same :c

  • @mef: dragon dude

    Honorable Mention:

  • @minceraft: known since 4th grade, not much to say besides we’re friends

Jan 26, 2024, 8:08 PM
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can confirm I feel the same