auriali @auriali

I've seen a lot of Taylor Swift fans who seem more invested in the streaming numbers and chart placements rather than the music itself. At this point I feel like I've engaged more with this new album than some fans and I didn't even like the record all that much. Just a reminder, the value of art is not determined by numbers, but by the value individuals get from it.

Apr 22, 2024, 11:58 PM
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assigning numerical or quantifiable value to art of any form is useless and nearsighted, art at its core is about personal expression and the emotional connection between the work, the artist, and the viewer. the numerical value of it is entirely artificially constructed. that being said I would love it if people artificially determined my stuff is worth 1 billion dollarinos

however, numerical or quantifiable value itself can be seen as art

fr statistics and data collection is absolutely fire sometimes

except when its for a grade

da-ta collection 😳

pov art is artficially constructed