president @president


  1. Auriali has not mentioned communism, nor endorsed anyone who does. She has thanked fellow wasteof members for their support, (e.g. changing their names, profile pictures, or banners to show support for Auri24). @Perrin has already been announced as Auriali’s running mate, not @Kiwi.

  2. Forcing Elon Musk to rename X back to Twitter is because the Twitter brand was better. It was able to add a word into normal dialogue, that being “Tweet”. We vow not to force any other private individuals or companies to rename themselves. We only want to rename X back to Twitter because Elon Musk sucks at branding.

  3. Renaming The White House to The Crack House is objectively funny, the manifesto does not have plans to sell drugs, nor do we have plans to do so.

  4. Our tax evasion plan will not be as widespread as Blaze claims. Billionaires like Elon Musk already evade taxes. Our random approach will more fairly force the world’s richest to finally pay taxes to fund all gov programs and more, while allowing regular citizens to save money when they randomly can tax evade. It’s also funny.

  5. We're bankrupting Adobe for the greater good, the company extorts customers for 100s of dollars to cancel earlier for no reason and also make bad products that would be better maintained by the open source community.

  6. We’re not shutting down wasteof lol.

This shows the Blaze campaign is anti-fun and anti-silly. We’re in the silly business, not the funny business.

blaze @blaze


This message is urgent, as it has to do Auri’s plans with wasteof.

To start, Auri plans to make wasteof/America communist on the platform if elected, which can undermine freedom and liberty on this platform. ( Although Auri didn’t promote it directly, the account he endorsed does, & Kiwi even offered to be the VP to make it communist.

But that’s not even the worst of what Auriali has planned. His manifesto has plans to promote destructive policies by forcing Elon Musk to change his company name to Twitter, suppressing his right to freely express himself, changing the White House to the Crack House to sell drugs, dividing & destroying our communities as a result. He also plans to allow tax evasion to be legal, leaving 0 funds for programs like SNAP, Medicare, or Social Security, resulting in millions without retirement, disability, or veterans’ benefits. Not only that, he also plans to make Adobe bankrupt out of hatred for the company. He sent a clear message that if he’s president, wasteof will no longer exist.

But this doesn’t have to happen. We have a candidate that instead wants prosperity, freedom, & unity, while promoting accountability & strengthening our communities.

That candidate is Blaze. With your vote, we can say a loud NO to his horrific policies, because YOUR VOICE MATTERS! As Auriali said, “It’s time to get serious.” Let’s do just that & VOTE BLAZE TODAY and save wasteof!

EDIT: bro it’s a joke lmao

Jul 27, 2024, 6:00 AM
Jul 27, 2024, 1:58 PM


One problem with your claim, though. Forcing billionaires to pay their taxes in the country will make them shut their businesses down and do them somewhere else, causing millions of jobs to be lost. Also, billionaires already pay a ton of taxes, it’s just at a lower percentage. Forcing them to pay higher taxes will encourage them to increase their prices, lay off their workers, or even as I said earlier, leave. I know if I was a billionaire forced to pay more taxes I would most certainly do all these things like many companies have done in NYC, San Francisco, and others due to higher prices and huge layoffs leaving people unable to afford anything, resulting in increase in robberies.

Fr Auriali is never ending wo.m