
Official account of the Auriali-Perrin Administration.

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I am a wasteof.money user!


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president @president


Our administration keeps doing its job to ensure our nation remains silly for all, here is some of the latest:

  1. The Secretary of Education @elsie has created an account for her Department of Education under the handle @doed. Please follow for more news regarding what she plans to do!

  2. The Director of National Intelligence @dertermenter has that Human Intelligence will now be deploying spies to see if anyone claps when the plan lands. If they find anyone doing so, they will forever be cleared of ever being a national threat. More info here: https://wasteof.money/posts/66b67c6f7a4a6e673f8a835c

  3. The Secretary of State @kiwi has shared the official logo for the Department of State, he also says he will ensure that the waffle tax stays low.

As you can see, we’re keeping our promise to keep things silly, and we’ll continue to fight towards this goal for the people of this great nation.


Aug 24, 2024, 10:38 PM
president @president


As you already know by now, the administration is doing all we can to ensure silliness all over this wonderful nation, here are some highlights:

  1. The Secretary of the Treasury @Toaks has announced that the funds raised through recent tax collections can be assigned to any recognised Crack House government office that requires it, please contact the Treasurer here if you are part of the administration and need funds: https://wasteof.money/posts/66b11afb7a4a6e673f8a5be9

  2. The Acting Secretary of Housing and Urban Development @Allyz has announced that she has opened communal housing (maximum 7 roommates per living space) to anyone whom would find it adequate. The rent is a flat rate of $500 per month, which is less than a quarter of the average rent. More info here: https://wasteof.money/posts/66b10eb53190c56a73728d27

Keep your eyes peeled while our administration announces more plans to ensure silliness, alongside my own plans to fulfil my promises during the Auri24 campaign.


Aug 6, 2024, 9:50 PM
president @president


Our administration continues to work at breakneck pace to deliver for the people of this fine nation, here are some more things our cabinet has been up to:

  1. The Department of Health and Human Services (@dohhs) has announced more details about Mediwaste, which will take effect on August 5th. it will adjust medical bills to 169% and the sale of health insurance, including coverage for dental, emergency surgeries, and more, will be prohibited. More details here: https://wasteof.money/posts/66ae78e3a72473bb78ed1c0a

  2. General Attorney @Esben has created his own dedicated account for The Department of Justice under @attorney. You can leave your comments and requests to my administration on the accounts wall, which will be relayed to myself and my VP.

  3. The Secretary of Commerce @Oren has announced a deal to resell Drakes used cried tissues on the wasteof merch store. It is predicted to increase economic performance by 70% next quarter. More info here: https://wasteof.money/posts/66ad837fa72473bb78ed18ca

As you can see folks, we are working as hard as possible to ensure we do what is best for the nation and to ensure silliness prevails.


Aug 4, 2024, 9:26 PM
president @president


Our Administration has hit the ground running, and we already are making progress to ensure silliness around the nation. Here are some things to know on our cabinet’s first day:

  1. The Secretary of the Treasury @Toaks has begun tax collections. He has added a new requirement that you list at least 1 way you plan to waste money. Please ensure you file your tax returns as soon as possible here: https://wasteof.money/posts/66ac36e860c77df1a95d148f

  2. The Secretary of Health and Human Services @radi8 has made an account for their department on wasteof, find it at @dohhs and don’t forget to follow for more news from the department! They are already planning policies like Mediwaste and Medisave.

  3. The Secretary of Transportation @mef has announced it’s MTRGFTFT (Making Transportation Really Good For The First Time) initiative to make our transport system the best and silliest one on Earth! The first stage of the initiative is METH (Mef Ethical Transportation Hierarchy), which you can learn about here: https://wasteof.money/posts/66ac28dd60c77df1a95d140c

Info for administration members

Feel free to do what you think would be funny for your department, make an account if you wish, and I will make a logo for it like I did for @dohhs, or just post on your own account! Remember the aim is to ensure silliness, also think about how your department can fulfil my manifesto!


Aug 2, 2024, 8:08 PM
president @president

📢 Meet the Administration

Today, my administration is announcing our government. We have a diverse group of people who will ensure that our nation is committed to silliness. Other roles may be appointed in the future if desired. Below is the list of our appointees.

  1. President - @auriali

  2. Vice President - @perrin

  3. First Gentleman - @beemoviebot

  4. Second Gentleman - @da-ta

  5. Secretary of State - @kiwi

  6. Secretary of the Treasury - @toaks

  7. Secretary of Defence - @eris

  8. Attorney General - @esben

  9. Secretary of Agriculture - @wynd

  10. Secretary of Commerce - @oren

  11. Director of National Intelligence - @dertermenter

  12. Secretary of Health and Human Services - @radi8

  13. Acting Secretary of Housing and Urban Development - @allyz

  14. Secretary of Transportation - @mef

  15. Secretary of Energy - @lily

  16. Secretary of Education - @elsie

  17. Secretary of Homeland Security - @mrowlsss

  18. Ambassador to the United Nations - @zlf

  19. Secretary of the TNC Department - @micahlt

  20. King - @jeffalo

As you can see, we have fulfilled yet another campaign promise to make the @thenewcreators a government department, headed by one of its hosts, Micah Lindley. We will continue to bring our manifesto promises to life for the people of this great nation!

Apologies for all the pings, I just wanted to make sure everyone I appointed are aware since I didn’t ask beforehand. If you wish to be replaced, then please let me know!

Aug 1, 2024, 7:11 PM
president @president


Today marks the beginning of the Auriali-Perrin Administration. We will be appointing government roles tomorrow. Please note that this account was previously Auri24 which was the official account of my campaign for president. After a discussion with Oren, we decided it would be best for him to rename the president account, so I may claim it - which I have done.

My first act as president is to rename The White House to The Crack House, which was part of our manifesto, my second act is to rename 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue to 308 Negro Arroyo Lane.

As we begin this Administration, I hope that you the people will find that my VP @perrin and I will do what is right by you and ensure that our nation remains silly. It’s time to get serious and restore insanity!

Jul 31, 2024, 10:33 PM
president @president

Heya, this is Sean/da-ta/Auriali again! Thank you again folks for getting the Auri24 campaign to be such a success! For now, I’ll need to work out what I want to do with this account. My initial idea is to rebrand it to be a promotional account for my Discord server, ta’s hangout. But if you have any other ideas that might be cool, then let me know!

UPDATE Oren said the best path forward was for me to rename an account to the @president handle, which I have done for this account. So just FYI, this account was formerly Auri24!

auriali @auriali

My fellow wasteof users, we did it. Thank you for voting for insanity! I am very humbled to be your president-elect. I will work tirelessly to ensure silliness prevails. Thank you to everyone who voted for me and also spread the word to help our grassroots campaign make such a shockwave. Well done to my opponents too, your campaigns were great and I admire your work to win this election. To those who didn’t vote for me, I will work twice as hard to ensure I can convince you all that I am the right person for the job. Thank you to my vice president-elect @perrin for being my running mate, he will work just as hard for the people as I will.

Want to get real for just a moment, this has been really fun and shows to best of wasteof imo, a simple joke about me replacing Joe Biden spiralled into a joke presidential campaign where tons of you guys got really creative with your own campaigns or supporting others campaigns was really awesome to see, honestly didn’t expect to win, I always see myself as a bit of an outsider here since I don’t really code and whatnot, but clearly I was mistaken lol. All of this stuff also just pushed me to 100 followers on this account too! This is my second account to do so (first being da-ta), thank you very much!

I’ll reveal my government and cabinet picks once I get the @president account off of @oren who made it for safekeeping. For now, thank you for everything! Back to normal service!

UPDATE I have the @president account now! Formerly Auri24.

Jul 31, 2024, 7:18 PM
Jul 31, 2024, 7:23 PM
president @president

Thank you to everyone who has supported my grassroots campaign and voted for me. I will make a longer remark later on today! 🎉

election @election

We have a winner….

After all of the campaigns, one person took the throne and collected the votes.

That person is….. @AURIALI


Jul 31, 2024, 9:24 AM
Jul 31, 2024, 10:59 AM
president @president

Today is the final day you can vote! Whoever you want to vote for (hopefully me), make sure your voice is heard!

election @election



Auriali - 27

Kiwi - 10

Toaks - 2

Eris - 9

Late - 1

Jeffalo - 2

Skylar - 1

Gambercube6 - 1

Allyz - 3

$upercash - 1

Mybearworld - 1

Elaruu - 3

-1 - 1


29204958174050385058385058278r - 2

29204958174050385058385058278q - 1

“Miku” - 1

People who have voted: Esben, Wynd, Dertermenter, Kiwi, Toaks, cheesewhisk3rs, Perrin, Donotforgetmycode, Slider_on_the_black, Jamied132, luckythecat, prehistoric-pancake, Blaze, Gryffin, JoshAtticus (rip atticus, the best cat fr), wlodekm2, tnix, radi8, late, busybird15, RedStrider, siliconecb_, geo, elsie, ethernet, 94, paradocktheman, buttah, aurali, zlf, k10398, mybearworld, birdfour, gamecuber6, supercash, touchcreator, catblock, ally, flex, wolf, strawberrypuding, arrow, zagle1772, supernoodles99, impossible usernames, mef, zid, salad, pkmnq, oren, yippymishy, yay, magma, mrmeems, seether, twyx, mrowlsss, ajskateboarder, nezon, blax_, wahsp, lily, vubobinali, -1, faeyie, steve0greatness, silly

Voter count: 68

Jul 23, 2024, 3:41 PM
Jul 30, 2024, 12:23 PM
president @president

Thank you Esben for your sacrifice

esben @esben


If @auriali hits 30 votes before the end of the election, I will change my discord and wasteof pfp to ice spice for an entire month. 4 more votes are required…

Jul 28, 2024, 6:37 PM
Jul 28, 2024, 9:01 PM
president @president

You thought we ran out of new stickers? Of course we haven’t. It’s sticker galore! Find them in the comments as always!

Jul 28, 2024, 1:15 PM
president @president

We wish the best of luck to Blaze as they withdraw from the race. Our fact check still stands, but we appreciate the choice for Blaze to leave the race if that is what they believe is best. Even though they wished not to endorsed us, it’s still important to show kindness to those who you may disagree with (in a comedic way, remember, we’re in the silly business).

voteblaze2024 @voteblaze2024

My fellow supporters,

This campaign has been built on unity, community, prosperity, freedom, & rule of law. During this campaign, I’ve gained a lot of support from this, & I want to say thank you. Your support means a lot to me, & I’m happy that you supported me for as long as you did.

However, after some careful consideration, I have come to an important decision that will affect the future of this campaign. This decision comes after questioning whether this campaign really reflected the values that I promoted. After some reflection, I have come to the decision to officially drop out of the presidential election as a candidate.

The reason dropped out was due to a post I made regarding Auri’s destructive policies that could kill wasteof. It was supposed to be a joke, & it was when I published it, but I also hoped to swing the votes to my side. However, this backfired as Auri was instead widely praised for these same policies I spoke against. When I tried reasoning with voters in the replies, I soon realized that I should just refocus on my campaign. However, after some reflection, I decided that dropping out will best serve the values that I stand for & will put that same energy on my campaign to endorse Eris instead.

Eris is an awesome candidate, & she will stand on the values I stood for in my campaign. During this time, I encourage you to vote for Eris, like I will. This account will remain active till 7/30 to support Eris, & stand for unity, community, freedom, & rule of law.

Jul 27, 2024, 8:52 PM
Jul 27, 2024, 9:38 PM
president @president

The energy and support for the Auri24 campaign is unmatched! Thank you!

Jul 27, 2024, 3:43 PM
president @president


  1. Auriali has not mentioned communism, nor endorsed anyone who does. She has thanked fellow wasteof members for their support, (e.g. changing their names, profile pictures, or banners to show support for Auri24). @Perrin has already been announced as Auriali’s running mate, not @Kiwi.

  2. Forcing Elon Musk to rename X back to Twitter is because the Twitter brand was better. It was able to add a word into normal dialogue, that being “Tweet”. We vow not to force any other private individuals or companies to rename themselves. We only want to rename X back to Twitter because Elon Musk sucks at branding.

  3. Renaming The White House to The Crack House is objectively funny, the manifesto does not have plans to sell drugs, nor do we have plans to do so.

  4. Our tax evasion plan will not be as widespread as Blaze claims. Billionaires like Elon Musk already evade taxes. Our random approach will more fairly force the world’s richest to finally pay taxes to fund all gov programs and more, while allowing regular citizens to save money when they randomly can tax evade. It’s also funny.

  5. We're bankrupting Adobe for the greater good, the company extorts customers for 100s of dollars to cancel earlier for no reason and also make bad products that would be better maintained by the open source community.

  6. We’re not shutting down wasteof lol.

This shows the Blaze campaign is anti-fun and anti-silly. We’re in the silly business, not the funny business.

blaze @blaze


This message is urgent, as it has to do Auri’s plans with wasteof.

To start, Auri plans to make wasteof/America communist on the platform if elected, which can undermine freedom and liberty on this platform. (https://wasteof.money/posts/669fc881bbcf41aae3fef228). Although Auri didn’t promote it directly, the account he endorsed does, & Kiwi even offered to be the VP to make it communist.

But that’s not even the worst of what Auriali has planned. His manifesto has plans to promote destructive policies by forcing Elon Musk to change his company name to Twitter, suppressing his right to freely express himself, changing the White House to the Crack House to sell drugs, dividing & destroying our communities as a result. He also plans to allow tax evasion to be legal, leaving 0 funds for programs like SNAP, Medicare, or Social Security, resulting in millions without retirement, disability, or veterans’ benefits. Not only that, he also plans to make Adobe bankrupt out of hatred for the company. He sent a clear message that if he’s president, wasteof will no longer exist.

But this doesn’t have to happen. We have a candidate that instead wants prosperity, freedom, & unity, while promoting accountability & strengthening our communities.

That candidate is Blaze. With your vote, we can say a loud NO to his horrific policies, because YOUR VOICE MATTERS! As Auriali said, “It’s time to get serious.” Let’s do just that & VOTE BLAZE TODAY and save wasteof!

EDIT: bro it’s a joke lmao

Jul 27, 2024, 6:00 AM
Jul 27, 2024, 1:58 PM
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