
Official account of the Auriali-Perrin Administration.

About me

I am a wasteof.money user!


Joined 2 months ago
Posts 29
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president @president

This is amazing! Thank you for your support, mef! It is indeed time to get serious. Vote for insanity, vote for Auri!

mef @mef

places this on my totally real yard

Jul 25, 2024, 8:54 PM
Jul 26, 2024, 10:43 PM
president @president

Heya gamers, unfortunately due to a ton of tech errors we were unable to have a debate, sorry to disappoint! However, while we were trying to fix stuff, my running mate @perrin made this beautiful artistic rendering, so it was totally worth it:

Jul 26, 2024, 6:02 PM
president @president

don't worry, you're still the king of wasteof jeffalo!

jeffalo @jeffalo

guys i was under the impression that i am the president of wasteof

Jul 26, 2024, 6:55 AM
Jul 26, 2024, 1:34 PM
president @president

This is going to be a debate for the ages! I hope you all can tune in to see me in action!

election @election

2024 Debate

Hello! We are excited to announce we will be having a debate on the 26th (Tommorow)! It will be at 18:15 British Summer Time.

How will this work?

In the debate discord, we will have a stage for everyone. Yep! Everyone is invited. Mics will be muted while it’s not your turn. Candidates will take turns speaking about their manifesto, then the candidates can ask each other some questions. Then the spectators will be able to ask question through chat, or by speaking.

Remember! This is just a funny and silly debate for our candidates, it’s going to be funny and light hearted.

Join our discord to participate! discord.gg/wHguZqQwKu

Jul 25, 2024, 7:31 PM
Jul 25, 2024, 10:07 PM
president @president

NEW: I have released my manifesto, and announced @perrin as my running mate and candidate for VP. To celebrate, we have even more stickers to share with you all to show your support for Auriali Perrin 2024! Find then in the comments!

auriali @auriali

Hello fellow wasteof users, I have 2 massive campaign announcements to make today. Please read:

  1. I have picked my running mate for this election, that being the wonderful @Perrin. I believe he will be a strong VP for my administration if I am elected. I will appoint other members of my government after the election if I do become elected.

  2. I have released my manifesto, it is a 25 point list of things I plan to do if I become President, I have other ideas that I plan to do, and I am happy to continue to work on my policies all the way up to the election.

Follow @Auri24 for more news from the campaign and remember, vote for insanity, vote for Auri!

Jul 25, 2024, 7:25 PM
Jul 25, 2024, 8:00 PM
president @president

Special shoutout to @electauriali2024 and @voteauri2024 for all of their amazing work to spread the word about our grassroots campaign so far, I appreciate it! And of course ever so much for all the love, support, and votes so far, let’s do this, vote for insanity, vote for Auriali!

Jul 25, 2024, 3:03 PM
president @president

Your girl just did another interview, check it out below. Thank you Election news 24 for the interview!

2024wasteofnews @2024wasteofnews

2024 Election News - July 24, 2024 =^..^=

With more than 35 votes so far, this election is getting real!

So far…

@auriali is in the lead, with fifteen votes. She has more than twice as many votes as @kiwi , the next candidate with seven votes. @election’s post (below) is sparking a lot of controversy among wasteofers, and @auriali, @toaks, and @blaze have been putting a lot of effort into their campaigns.


Make sure to look at @jamied132 ’s post which has much more extensive research and more Interviews.

So far, here are my own (brief) interviews:

Interview with @auriali:

Me: how confident are you that you will win the election?

Auriali: I have confidence in the people of wasteof that they’ll choose the right candidate, and I hope that is me. I am doing well at the moment it seems, however, I do not want to come off as cocky because I don’t like that mentality. I am silly billy who hopes I’ll become the president-elect through spitting straight facts to the wonderful people of wasteof.

Interview with @eris:

Me: How confident are you that you will win the election?

Eris: At first no, I’m not that popular here. But now I’m thinking I do have a chance to win, we’ll see.

Interview with @toaks:

Me: how confident are you that you will win the election?

Toaks: I don’t want to win the election, I want to be treasurer. - =^..^=

thank you for reading! please follow @2024electionnews and @luckythecat

election @election



Auriali - 27

Kiwi - 10

Toaks - 2

Eris - 9

Late - 1

Jeffalo - 2

Skylar - 1

Gambercube6 - 1

Allyz - 3

$upercash - 1

Mybearworld - 1

Elaruu - 3

-1 - 1


29204958174050385058385058278r - 2

29204958174050385058385058278q - 1

“Miku” - 1

People who have voted: Esben, Wynd, Dertermenter, Kiwi, Toaks, cheesewhisk3rs, Perrin, Donotforgetmycode, Slider_on_the_black, Jamied132, luckythecat, prehistoric-pancake, Blaze, Gryffin, JoshAtticus (rip atticus, the best cat fr), wlodekm2, tnix, radi8, late, busybird15, RedStrider, siliconecb_, geo, elsie, ethernet, 94, paradocktheman, buttah, aurali, zlf, k10398, mybearworld, birdfour, gamecuber6, supercash, touchcreator, catblock, ally, flex, wolf, strawberrypuding, arrow, zagle1772, supernoodles99, impossible usernames, mef, zid, salad, pkmnq, oren, yippymishy, yay, magma, mrmeems, seether, twyx, mrowlsss, ajskateboarder, nezon, blax_, wahsp, lily, vubobinali, -1, faeyie, steve0greatness, silly

Voter count: 68

Jul 23, 2024, 3:41 PM
Jul 24, 2024, 10:39 PM
Jul 25, 2024, 10:22 AM
president @president


Auriali has not published their manifesto yet. There are plans to release it tomorrow. Any statements regarding the manifesto at this time are pure speculation. The Auri24 campaign will continue to give straight facts to the users of wasteof. We’re not in the funny business, we’re in the silly business!

mrowlsss @mrowlsss

@auriali is being dishonest in their manifesto. If you elect me as president, not only will I try to make this country a better place for everyone, I’ll make both waffles and pancakes are free on Sundays, and french toast sticks half off!

Jul 24, 2024, 7:23 PM
Jul 24, 2024, 9:37 PM
president @president

The campaign has a new sticker! Find it in the comments!

auriali @auriali

My fellow wasteof users, I am working on my manifesto, setting out what I plan to do if I become President, and I want to hear from you. What would you like to see me address and handle as President? Have your say today! The manifesto will release tomorrow. Also remember to follow the @auri24 account for more frequent campaign posts, but I will keep to my 1 post per day here regarding my campaign, giving you all the news in a summary manner! Now go forth and comment and make your voice heard!

president @president

Gamers, Auri will be working on their manifesto and policies for what they plan to do if they are elected! Please let us know in the comments what your biggest concerns and issues are so Auriali may work to address them in her manifesto! The manifesto will be published tomorrow!

Jul 24, 2024, 1:36 PM
Jul 24, 2024, 5:58 PM
Jul 24, 2024, 5:59 PM
president @president

Auriali has just done an interview! Read it below! Remember, vote for insanity!

jamied132 @jamied132

Interview Results

(I interviewed a bunch of people about the election cuz that’s what you do at elections. I think)

Interview with @auriali

Interviewer: Why do you believe people should vote for you?

Auriali: I believe I am the strongest candidate. I have been on wasteof for 2 years now. I run now just this account, but my main account da-ta and The New Creators. I will bring not just experience, but a healthy level of silliness that is required to be a good President of wasteof. The people on this website deserve a leader who is silly, and I believe my track record of memes and high quality trashposts like my famous Twitter HQ edit to have the wasteof logo rather than the X logo on the Twitter building shows my dedication to silliness and hilarity for wasteof and its wonderful citizens.

I: Do you think you’d be surprised if you don’t get elected..?

A: I would of course be sad that I didn’t get elected, however, I would accept the will of wasteof’s population and accept my defeat with grace, I would probably share a sad gif or two afterwards but after that I’ll be okay.

I: If you did get elected, who do you plan on choosing as vice president?

A: There are no formal plans in place yet for who I would choose to be my VP, my main goal is to establish my platform of silliness and goofiness to the people of wasteof, and of course also lay out my policies and manifesto so people understand my goals if I do before President-elect. But my options are open and I will consider as many people as I can for VP.

I: Do you plan on doing anything else to spread awareness of your campaign or do you believe it is going well as it is?

A: I believe it is going well so far, my goal is to continue my rule of 1 post per day on this account, while using @auri24 to post more frequently throughout the day so that I can keep momentum and share more news as well as awareness. I also appreciate all of my fellow wasteof users who have helped my campaign by changing their names and icons to mine, such as wynd and esben.

Interview with @kiwi

Interviewer: Why do you believe people should vote for you?

Kiwi: because unlike the other candidates, i have a plan to give away waffles upon becoming president/vice president! my waffles have been highly praised by those who have received them, but i haven’t given any away for a while. i plan to rectify this issue if i am elected.

I: Do you think you’d be surprised if you don’t get elected..?

K: to be honest, not really. auriali was first to run anyways, and they have a few more votes than me. i think i’d be more surprised if i was elected, hehe. but you never know, something weird might happen later on!

I: If you did get elected, who do you plan on choosing as vice president?

K: i had a silly idea to elect @codekirby, who i got to create a wasteof account and then he proceeded to do nothing with, but i’m unsure at the moment. @toaks might be a good option, since i would have voted for him if i wasn’t running. @late also seems like a very good choice. we’ll see :)

I: Do you plan on doing anything else to spread awareness of your campaign or do you believe it is going well as it is?

K: while my campaign is certainly going better than i anticipated, i think it could still use some promotion. i think i’ll ask a few friends if they can vote for me, and i’ll log into wasteof every so often to promote my campaign through posts.

Interview with @toaks

Interviewer: Why do you believe people should vote for you?

Toaks: I believe I should be chosen as treasurer because I will, in fact, waste all of our money

I: Do you think you’d be surprised if you don’t get elected as a treasurer..?

T: No one else is running for it so yes

I: if, on the off chance, you get elected as the actual president/prime minister, who would you make your vice president?

T: Esben (cool guy)

I: Do you plan on doing anything else to spread awareness of your campaign or do you believe it is going well as it is?

T: I'm going to stop talking about it and take the position. No one can stop me!

I: are there any last things you’d like to add before we close the interview?

T: I will be treasurer. Mark my words.

Interview with a random money waster

Interviewer: Can I interview you about the election?

Anonymous: the only answer you need is that I fully support and endorse auriali for president

Well, that’s it folks! Remember to #vote4auriali and #vote4insanity!!!

Jul 24, 2024, 4:41 AM
Jul 24, 2024, 3:03 PM
president @president

Gamers, Auri will be working on their manifesto and policies for what they plan to do if they are elected! Please let us know in the comments what your biggest concerns and issues are so Auriali may work to address them in her manifesto! The manifesto will be published tomorrow!

Jul 24, 2024, 1:36 PM
president @president

Let’s win this, gamers.

auriali @auriali

I would like to thank everyone so far who has shown their support for my campaign. In less than 24 hours, we have mobilised a grassroots campaign that has shown the very best of wasteof. As the @election gets underway, I will work diligently to earn all of yours votes. I will not be using my alts to vote for myself, I will win this race by the sheer force of support you have shown me. The @da-ta Scratch account turns 9 years old on the 30th July, the day the election ends. It would be amazing to win this race on that day, and I hope I can convince you all to help me achieve this goal. I will continue to post once a day to this account as I always have, but for more frequent campaign news, then please follow the new official @auri24 account! It’s time to get serious, no funny business, only silly business. Vote for insanity, vote Auri! ❤️

Jul 23, 2024, 5:37 PM
Jul 23, 2024, 5:37 PM
president @president

Welcome to the official account for the Auri24 campaign. We are aiming to get Auriali and her running mate, Perrin, elected. It’s time to get serious. This is no joking matter. I will work for the many, not the few. No funny business, only silly business. Vote for insanity! Show your support with the official campaign stickers (found in the comments)! Follow this account for regular campaign updates! Also follow @auriali for more updates too! Let’s win this!

Remember to vote for Auriali here: http://election.wasteof.me/vote

Jul 23, 2024, 5:21 PM
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