Let’s play a game of “Fortunately, Unfortunately“. Respond the previous post (the first comment below this post) by replying this post (not the previous post!)
I’ll start with: “I found this website.“
By the way, “S” stands for “silly” now. I’m Sillyman.
SupermanSillyman in The Lego Movie 2
@mef: I don’t think thats how public domain works
@imadeanaccount: what public domain? this copyright obviously belongs to @auriali, the original creator of this work
@gilbert189: The court would like to request for evidence.
/Law & Government/Legal/Intellectual Property (0.5621491)
join me as I struggle to embed lyrics into an MP3 file whilst nearly killing my computer in the process
Why use unintelligible abbreviations to signify tones while the Unicode charset already has pictograms that signify emotions?
Those are for emotions, not for tones
They are not detailed enough
I can’t read emotions, nor can my friends
Challenge: Guess what fandom he’s talking about.
One of the exceptions to my “don’t investigate fandoms you don’t participate in“ rule is that it’s fine if I do it by watching others talk about it. Here’s what happened when I did just that:
to be fair, it would make a good ladder
assuming that the branches are sturdy enough
this alley is dangerous . . .
*PM64 ally switch sound effect*
that's a shame...
or screenshot?
*defies fears of fandom poking and INVESTIGATES*
this is interesting
and I'm just three pages in
I don't know how to feel
replay value = $$$$$$$$$$$$
"I believe it is safe to say that you have the horde's attention."
wait wut
*crank noises*
someone said yippee and my brain was like "WAIT HOW DID THIS PERSON COME TO THE SAME CONCLUSION ABOUT-"
and then I came to my senses
in fact, given how much awesome stuff is written in it, I like this monospaced font
maybe I'll stick to gamja...
something's definetly going on in this one
that's good news
you see, it you do a little work with the word "online" . . .
. . . you get the word "offline"!
but we are missing one denominator
I’m a week late, but here’s the final TBGs Christmas Tree of 2023:
Seems like there’s an interest in script I made, so here’s a documenting example that took me 2 days to write:
[* this is a comment *]
These are the available variable types of this language.
$objective is a scoreboard objective
:tag is the value of minecraft:tag on world storage (from /data ... storage)
:tag.foo is the value of key foo in minecraft:tag
(in general it uses minecraft:nbt_path)
(you can also change the default "minecraft" namespace to something else
using the "namespace" command)
mod:tag is the value of mod:tag on world storage
!boss^10 is a bossbar with maximum value of 10
!boss is a bossbar value
!boss^ is a bossbar's maximum value
. is the entity's data
.NoAI is the value of key NoAI of the entity's data
.Pos[0] is the first value of the list of key Pos of the entity's data
(in general it uses minecraft:nbt_path)
These may be prefixed with these object types:
@a are all the players in the world
@e are all the entities in the world
... you get the drill. It's just minecraft:entity.
Alice is a player named Alice (default for names without a sigil)
#(0 1 2) is a block in x: 0 y: 1 z: 2
#(~ ~ ~) is a block at the entity's coordinates
[* namespace example *] [* would set a namespace if it's not commented *]
[* use path/to/other/file *] [* would effectively append the contents of the file here *]
dummy $foo [* creates an objective of type dummy *]
health $bar [* creates an objective of type health *]
repeat (
[* these commands are run every tick *]
$foo += 1 [* by default this is applied to the current entity *]
@s$foo += 1 [* this line functions identically to the line above *]
[* Supported operations are +, -, *, / (integer division), // (float division if possible), and % *]
function roll_call (
[* all subcommands on /execute (except "store" and "summon") are put as their own command *]
as @a (
say I'm present
These lines function identically:
as @a run say I'm present
as @a /say I'm present
function tell_time (
dummy $time $time_min $time_hour
:time.ticks = /time query daytime [* stores into minecraft:time *]
$time = :time.ticks * 0.06 [* ticks to Minecraft minutes *]
$time_min = $time % 60
$time_hour = ($time / 60) + 6 % 24
if ($time_min >= 10) /tellraw @s c"It's $($time_hour):$($time_min)"
if ($time_min < 10) /tellraw @s c"It's $($time_hour):0$($time_min)"
function tell_time_compiled (
[* This might be what the function tell_time will be compiled to. *]
scoreboard objectives add time dummy
scoreboard objectives add time_min dummy
scoreboard objectives add time_hour dummy
scoreboard objectives add const_24 dummy
scoreboard objectives add const_60 dummy
scoreboard objectives add const_6 dummy
scoreboard players set @s const_24 24
scoreboard players set @s const_60 60
scoreboard players set @s const_6 6
execute store result storage time ticks long 1 run time query daytime
execute store result score @s time run data get storage time 0.06
execute store result score @s time_min run scoreboard players get @s time
scoreboard players operation @s time_min %= @s const_60
execute store result score @s time_hour run scoreboard players get @s time
scoreboard players operation @s time_hour /= @s const_60
scoreboard players operation @s time_hour += @s const_6
scoreboard players operation @s time_hour %= @s const_24
execute if score @s time_min matches 10.. run tellraw @s [{"text": "It's "}, {"score": {"name": "*", "objective": "time_hour"}}, {"text": ":"}, {"score": {"name": "*", "objective": "time_min"}}]
execute if score @s time_min matches ..9 run tellraw @s [{"text": "It's "}, {"score": {"name": "*", "objective": "time_hour"}}, {"text": ":0"}, {"score": {"name": "*", "objective": "time_min"}}]
function conditionals #example ( [* tagged under #minecraft:example *]
The following are a list of syntatic sugars using the "if" command, and their equivalent commands.
These also apply to "unless" as well.
if #(^ ^ ^1) = #planks /say pointing a plank
if block ^ ^ ^1 #planks run say pointing a plank
if #(^ ^ ^1) = furnace and #(^ ^ ^1).Items[{Slot: 2b}] /say there's output in the furnace
if block ^ ^ ^1 furnace if data block ^ ^ ^1 Items[{Slot: 2b}] run say there's output in the furnace
if (@a.foodLevel = 20) /say I'm not hungry [* brackets are optional *]
as @a if data entity @s {foodLevel: 20} run say I'm not hungry [* "if entity" only allows a single entity *]
if :foo.bar /say okay
if storage foo bar run say okay
if :time.ticks = 20l /say okay
if storage time {ticks: 20l} run say okay
if @e /say I'm not alone
if entity @e run say I'm not alone
[* Note the dot. *]
if @e. /say I have data
as @e if data entity @s {} run say I have data
if $foo > $bar /say wow
if score @s foo > @s bar run say wow
if $bar <= 1 /say Peril!
if score @s bar matches ..1 run say Peril!
[* Implementation note: These commands (and probably more) would need temporary objectives or functions to work. *]
[* Example 1a: Comparing inequalities between different variable types *]
if $foo > :foo.bar /say wow
execute store result score @s temp1 run data get storage foo bar
execute if score @s foo > @s temp1 run say wow
[* Example 1b: Comparing inequalities between variable types other than objectives *]
if :foo.bar > :foo.baz /say wow
execute store result score @s temp1 run data get storage foo bar
execute store result score @s temp2 run data get storage foo baz
execute if score @s temp1 > @s temp2 run say wow
[* Example 2: Comparing variables other than objectives with a constant number *]
if :foo.bar = 10 /say wow
execute store result score @s temp1 run data get storage foo bar
scoreboard players set @s temp2 10
execute if score @s temp1 = @s temp2 run say wow
Exceptions to this example are:
1. Equality of a NBT value
if @a.foodLevel = 20 /say I'm not hungry
as @a if data entity @s {foodLevel: 20} run say I'm not hungry
[* Example 3: Executing a code block *]
if $foo = 10 (
say Hello
say world
if score @s foo matches 10 run function temp1
[* where the function minecraft:temp1 contains the code inside the block *]
function arguments #example (
[* Unlike .mcfunction, you can add $(...) without prefixing your function with $ *]
say Argument is $(arg1)
[* To output the placeholders instead of interpolating them, you can escape them: *]
say Argument is \$(arg1)
function json_quotes #example (
[* JSON quotes are prefixed with c and provides basic formatting for commands using raw JSON text format. *]
[* The following are examples of them and their equivalent commands. *]
tellraw @s c"This is plain text."
tellraw @s {"text": "This is plain text."}
tellraw @s c"It's not *that* obvious..."
tellraw @s [{"text": "It's not "}, {"text": "that", "italic": true}, {"text": " obvious..."}]
tellraw @s c"It's not \*that* obvious..."
tellraw @s {"text": "It's not \*that* obvious..."}
tellraw @s c"It's not **that** obvious..."
tellraw @s [{"text": "It's not "}, {"text": "that", "bold": true}, {"text": " obvious..."}]
tellraw @s c"It's not ***that*** obvious..."
tellraw @s [{"text": "It's not "}, {"text": "that", "bold": true, "italic": true}, {"text": " obvious..."}]
tellraw @s c"Fill in the blanks: _But I've already done that!_"
tellraw @s [{"text": "Fill in the blanks: "}, {"text": "But I've already done that!", "underline": true}]
tellraw @s c"Son of a ||birch||!" [* Sorry. *]
tellraw @s [{"text": "Son of a "}, {"text": "birch", "obfuscated": true}, {"text": "!"}]
tellraw @s c"#blue(I am blue.)"
tellraw @s {"text": "I am blue.", "color": "blue"}
tellraw @s c"#FE1F6F(Uh oh.)"
tellraw @s {"text": "Uh oh.", "color": "#FE1F6F"}
tellraw @s c"!https://example.com(Click me!)"
tellraw @s {"text": "Click me!", "clickAction": {"action": "open_url": "value": "https://example.com"}}
tellraw @s c"![say You clicked me!](Click me!)" [* this is the normal behaviour for values without any sigils *]
tellraw @s {"text": "Click me!", "clickAction": {"action": "run_command": "value": "say You clicked me!"}}
tellraw @s c"![?say You clicked me!](Click me!)"
tellraw @s {"text": "Click me!", "clickAction": {"action": "suggest_command": "value": "say You clicked me!"}}
tellraw @s c"![@You clicked me!](Click me)"
tellraw @s {"text": "Click me!", "clickAction": {"action": "copy_to_clipboard": "value": "You clicked me!"}}
tellraw @s c'Press "%(key.inventory)" to check your inventory!'
tellraw @s [{"text": "Press \""}, {"keybind": "key.inventory"}, {"text": "\" to check your inventory!"}]
tellraw @s c'Your score is $($foo)'
tellraw @s [{"text": "Your score is "}, {"score": {"name": "*", "objective": "foo"}}]
tellraw @s c'Alice\'s score is $(Alice$foo)'
tellraw @s [{"text": "Your score is "}, {"score": {"name": "Alice", "objective": "foo"}}]
tellraw @s c'minecraft:foo.bar = $(:foo.bar)'
tellraw @s [{"text": "minecraft:foo.bar = "}, {"source": "storage, "nbt": "bar"}]
function extended_syntax #appendix (
These are some officially unofficial extended syntax for this language.
If these were implemented, it should be as a dialect and not as the main language.
These extended syntax might be official if I feel like it.
[* Statements in JSON quotes *]
tellraw @s c'Your score + 1 is $($score + 1)'
[* One of these for content matching *]
if foo.Inventory[] # {Slot: -106b} /say foo is holding something in the offhand
if foo.Inventory[] contains {Slot: -106b} /say foo is holding something in the offhand
if foo.Inventory[Slot] = -106b /say foo is holding something in the offhand
[* They're equivalent to this: *]
if foo.Inventory[{Slot: -106b}] /say foo is holding something in the offhand
[* Command repetitions *]
for i in 1 3 2 5 4 (
if $foo > $(i) /say wow $(i)
if $foo < $(i) /say boo $(i)
for i from 1 to 11 step 2 ( [* forcibly inclusive *]
if $foo > $(i) /say wow $(i)
if $foo < $(i) /say boo $(i)
repeat 5 (
say this line will be said 5 times
And using the compiler:
$ compile .code.tio -o datapack/ # saves as a data pack
$ compile .code.tio -o this.structure # saves as a .structure containing command blocks
[!] warning: cannot compile function `roll_call' to a structure
@ .code.tio:27:63:
| function roll_call (
| ...
[!] warning: cannot compile function `tell_time' to a structure
@ .code.tio:27:63:
| function tell_time (
| ...
[!] warning: cannot compile function `tell_time_compiled' to a structure
@ .code.tio:27:63:
| function tell_time_compiled (
| ...
$ # Not that you should call the compiler "compile".
I don’t have any plans to implement this language (it would be too hard to do it myself) but if someone wants it go ahead. I’m open to suggestions I guess.
Now what should I call this language…
I swear this is the 4th time I had to hibernate my computer because of a power outage
I had a Firefox account (don’t ask why) and I decided to name my phone as “me phone” because that’s my humor apparently
Little did I know that I just named my phone after a character in II
dummy $time $time_min $time_hour [* objectives *]
bossbar !progress^100
repeat (
:time.ticks = /time query daytime [* stores into minecraft:time *]
as @a (
$time = :time.ticks * 0.06 [* ticks to Minecraft minutes *]
$time_min = $time % 60
$time_hour = ($time / 60) + 6 % 24
if @s.Inventory[{Slot: -106b, id: "minecraft:clock"}] ( [* Only show digits when a clock is put offhand *]
/title @s actionbar c"$($time_hour):$($time_min)"
if $time_min < 10 /title @s actionbar c"$($time_hour):0$($time_min)"
function test (
say "This is a function."
say "The value is $(value)." [* Macro lines don't need to be prefixed with $ *]
@s!progress = $(value)
function setMaximum (
@s!progress^ = $(value)