
[object Object]
redstrider @redstrider 📌

I’ve been slowly working on this personal site on neocities.


Kinda cool. Kinda sucks on mobile. Check it out.

Aug 11, 2023, 10:42 PM
redstrider @redstrider

bears and seals are troll elements of nature

so hugable and friend-shaped. yet rip your face off?!

Feb 28, 2024, 4:42 AM
redstrider @redstrider

my friends have a server where we write funny quotes we’ve said all formatted like

M/V[for message or voice] (context)[parentheses with context are optional] "quote inside here"

since they’re in “quote form“ they’re unintentionally easy to turn into something more computer-readable like json.

so i made a bad markov chain in tw out of the quotes, the stuff we say is so weird and incoherent already that >30% of them dont look out of place at all.

my favorites:

bread without the part where he becomes switzerland
worry guys imagine having bones couldnt be quiet im just deleted florida don't need florida don't need florida
coupon for too long
wunt to go for the walmart challenge today we must pray for your soul
Feb 4, 2024, 4:06 AM
redstrider @redstrider

supercash @supercash

New music video “Joshua Tree” on YouTube now:


Check it out!

Jan 31, 2024, 8:09 PM
Jan 31, 2024, 11:38 PM
redstrider @redstrider

i figured out how to dump my wii u and emulate it with cemu so i can get my mario maker levels off there before it deletes itself.

they’re surprisingly not little timmy. there’s no troll elements like intentional softlocks or pick-a-door. some brief segments feel like they’d fit in a real mario game. i played a lot of nsmb2.

there’s a lot of block spam, i imagine i liked how the block sound effects pitch to the music and must’ve placed blocks to hear it.

many levels are themed on roller coasters and use the track gizmo with solid entities like pow blocks to create moving levels.

i remember when i was a small fella i tried installing cemu on my computer in hopes of playing mario maker on my pc, that never worked out ocf so i tried searching for a in-browser remake.

i found a super basic platformer editor on this random flash game site i hadn’t heard of called scratch.

anyway, while searching for a usb to dump my games on i also found my first minecraft world which i assumed was lost to time, for a while but ig i backed it up!

^ ^

still remember every block there.

hope i can get my copy of mk8&dlc next, i’d like to try some mods.

Jan 27, 2024, 9:40 AM
redstrider @redstrider

i just beat 2023 :)

welp, no. i’m on a trip so i’m writing this at 12:45am et, but i’m posting it at 3:00 am since that’s 12:00 home. but we can still pretend. oki‽

what a year alright…

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

rediscovering wasteof has had a big impact on me, i don’t post too often but i’ve read and liked every post on my feed. wasteof has helped me remember how much i love programming, and has bent parts of my personality in a new direction. ^ _ -

i’ve changed so much and done so many things but, i still feel like the year just started. now i have to look to—

~ ~ ~ ~ ~


what does new years even mean? it’s just the earth’s relation to the sun. it could happen at any time. where would you put it in the year?

jesus ocf… wasn't born on year 1. time wasn’t even measured precisely then. so the number and everything base on it is arbitrary too > <

what modern landmark(timemark?) would we use today as the start of year 1?

new years does serve a purpose though. it doesn’t matter that the number is wrong because that wasn’t the point. it’s about change.

it’s about dividing your life into these little boxes called “years“ and deciding what you want to put in those boxes.

usually you’ll go off your plan, you have to expect that. you don’t get to see the box beforehand.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

2014 is going to be a weird year. i know that. we’ll live it. we’ll joke about it. we’ll remember it.

here’s hoping for an good year! :D

(this my post for the year. you don’t get another ;) )

Jan 1, 2024, 8:00 AM
redstrider @redstrider

"oh no but I'd lose so much detail" guess what? traditional art is entirely destructive!

you already have all the assets saved, you're not going to put this on the side of a building, this isn't even the final result so stop data hoarding and rasterize the layer! your ram usage will thank you.

...you smart object snob.

Dec 12, 2023, 1:14 AM
redstrider @redstrider

tfw tvtropes references a random webcomic from forever ago and it looks cute so you look it only to find it's now been taken offline

Dec 5, 2023, 8:06 AM
redstrider @redstrider

my favorite part was at the end of the movie when the finaly went backed in time to the very first thanksgiving and gotted turkeys off the menu then jake said to lightning mcqueen "now reggie, we are truley free birds… that’s right. now reggie, we are truley free birds" and then the ran off into the sunset as free bird started playing i cried

silly @silly

we’re going back in time to the first thanksgiving to get turkeys off the menu

Nov 23, 2023, 4:32 PM
Nov 23, 2023, 9:18 PM
redstrider @redstrider

I tried making the firework behavior.

I don’t want to port it to a datapack and it’s too big to fit in a URI and so import this JSON to Blockcase


Press copy command, put it in a command block and power it.

You’ll have to power the rail, then break the bottommost minecarts one at a time for the full thing to load, and the impulse command will need to be disabled, then repowered.

I’ll fix all these issues when I return to Blockcase maybe.

Here’s that JSON I was talking ‘bout:


Once done; to give yourself a firework launcher you can run this command

give @s warped_fungus_on_a_stick{display:{Name:'{"text":"Firework Cannon","color":"red","bold":true,"italic":false}'},Unbreakable:1b,fireworkShooter:1b} 1

redstrider @redstrider

Anyone ever played the Minecraft legacy console tumble minigame with rockets? (I used to call it rocket spleef but MCC stole that name so whatever)

Basically it's spleef but everyone has rocket launchers that explode blocks and fling players away.

You can also shoot them at your feet to rocket jump and gain vantage.

Ofc different blocks == different things so you can do things like hiding in grass and strategically placing invisible holes and get stuck in cobwebs which you could use to your advantage.

Also I like to play with a rule where dead spectators can slowly break blocks so they aren't left out (and campers are punished.)

I'm gonna have to remake this a map in Java with command blocks so everyone can enjoy it without the pain of a fixed 60 FOV and slow joystick aiming.

Apr 25, 2023, 12:59 AM
Nov 14, 2023, 9:18 PM
redstrider @redstrider

while spooky month has ended, it's still skeletime as day of the dead lasts till nov 2nd

Nov 2, 2023, 1:17 AM
redstrider @redstrider

carefull with your halloween candy!

not all of it is ok to eat.

i found this intuos ctl-6100wl in a pack of skittles.


stay safe out there guys!

Nov 1, 2023, 7:49 PM
redstrider @redstrider

It's skeletime my skelelads

Oct 31, 2023, 7:46 PM
redstrider @redstrider

brain wakes at 1:30am, spins a dice and decides watch hermitcraft. will regret in morning but needs done.

Oct 26, 2023, 8:37 AM