
I have the strange feral creature disease (not rabies) (I will bite you and give you the disease anyways tho) (its fun trust me you'll like it)

About me

I don't know. I don't know what I am, I don't know why I'm here, all I know is that I must commit tomfoolery. I really like dragons, rain world, and being existential he/him


Joined 2 years ago
Posts 1335
Followers 110 [>]
Following 169 [>]

people who have commited several war crimes

very inspirational quote (by me)

when all else fails, do a Michael Jackson he he because why not it's funny

Get Rickrolled

YouTube video
mef @mef 📌



general data:

age: [ageRanges.highschool.upperClass]
pronouns: he/it
sexuality: [no clue what's going on in there, definitely something strange though]
internal identity is a mess

user I/O metadata:

NEUROS_POSITIVE_CONNECTION: [Dragons and Creatures (to a concerning degree), Rain World, Programming, Electronic music]
NEUROS_CHARACTERISTICS_IDENTIFIERS: [Abnormal, Existential, A bit silly, Logical, Feral]
NETWORK_OUTPUTS: [Strings: [Random Thoughts, Tomfoolery, Existentiality, stuff about dragons, politics sometimes], Images:[Self Generated Artworks (open to suggestions), dragons, creatures, other pictures]]

alternative network connections:

WASTEOF: [@MEFEMPHETAMINE (has been posting for 1 year and 2 months), @SLUGCAT (SLUGCAT), @NIHILEV (WEIRDNESS ALT)]
DISCORD: 7vector
PIXILART: 7vector HYPERLINK:< https://www.pixilart.com/7vector >
NEOCITIES: HYPERLINK:< https://7vector.neocities.org/ >
Jun 3, 2023, 5:22 PM
mef @mef

Daily Cube Fact: the only way to destroy a cube is to cube root it, and we have no idea how to make a physical cube root so they’re basically invincible for the foreseeable future. (no, nukes or antimatter don’t work, I mean we haven’t tried, but it very much seems like it won’t)

Sep 22, 2022, 1:01 PM
mef @mef

no, I am not using a really bad ai to generate these, my brain is just wacky

Sep 21, 2022, 1:33 PM
mef @mef

Daily Cube Fact: cubes don’t use spoons to eat cereal (because they don’t like cereal)

Sep 21, 2022, 1:32 PM
mef @mef

Daily Cube Fact: cubes think trees are pretty neat, except for when they weren’t, that was not a fun time for the cubes

Sep 20, 2022, 1:21 PM
mef @mef

Daily Cube Fact: the cubes are famous for making really good cardboard

Sep 19, 2022, 11:58 AM
mef @mef

welp, I didn’t make a calculator, but I did somehow make an even bigger memory chip, now storing 8 sets of 8 bits, or 8 bytes of storage

Sep 18, 2022, 1:48 AM
mef @mef

oh no now I’m trying to make a 4 bit calculator, why is logisim so addicting

Sep 17, 2022, 4:46 PM
mef @mef

Daily Cube Fact: the cubes find the humans both annoying and very entertaining to watch, they are collecting more data on us than facebook and then laughing at us in a 24/7 live show

Sep 17, 2022, 2:24 PM
mef @mef

I made an even bigger one, now using 4 bit data instead of 2, still uses 2 bit addresses, also I used logisim for this one because its simply better

Sep 17, 2022, 2:21 PM
mef @mef

I was messing around with a logic sim and I made a 2 bit memory chip O: (very epic, more memory than your gaming pc). in the logic sim you only start out with AND gates and NOT gates so I made all of the other components myself.

Sep 17, 2022, 3:14 AM
mef @mef

lily @lily


ko @ko


diblix @diblix

Lets make a nice repost chain because why not…

non-biased-news @non-biased-news

zer0 @zer0

Only one way to find out.

quantum-codes @quantum-codes

Repost limit is removed!! Or reduced idk

micahlt @micahlt

hi guys

Sent from my Asus Vivobook Pro 16X OLED

jeffalo @jeffalo

hi guys

Sent from my MacBook Air

Aug 16, 2022, 5:15 PM
Aug 17, 2022, 3:26 AM
Aug 17, 2022, 12:23 PM
Aug 17, 2022, 2:50 PM
Aug 17, 2022, 3:19 PM
Aug 18, 2022, 12:40 AM
Sep 16, 2022, 7:10 PM
Sep 16, 2022, 7:49 PM
Sep 16, 2022, 10:22 PM
mef @mef

if any of you are wondering if I’ll change my pfp (let’s be real no one was), no I like the happy square boi

Sep 16, 2022, 11:53 AM
mef @mef

Daily Cube Fact: the cubes are afraid of the bees (not the bug), and you should be too

Sep 16, 2022, 11:39 AM
mef @mef

roblox servers died again for the 1000th time

Sep 15, 2022, 11:45 PM
mef @mef

we have a giant meat computer in our head yet we’re so slow at math compared to a computer? why is that? a few reasons (No, I don’t know the actual reasons why but here are some logical guesses)

a) your brain is basically a giant neural network (well, it literally is) so when your doing math, you’re not just running super small binary operations like a normal computer, you are conceptualizing that math through a mechanism (consciousness) that we have no idea how it works or even exists for that matter.

b) your brain is doing a LOT of other stuff at the moment, as well as obvious stuff such as other thoughts and random brain nonsense, you are also un/subconsciously doing all the stuff to keep you alive and be human, including emotions. as well as all of that your brain is also just generally janky.

bet you didn’t expect something that deep from some random account that posts daily nonsensical facts about cubes (which are all 100% true even if they are incredibly weird).

Sep 15, 2022, 10:51 PM